
庞巴迪挑战者605公务机机组操作手册 CL605-电气 COMMUNICATIONS(10)

时间:2011-10-28 11:43来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者
The DC UTIL buses supply power to nonessential cabin equipment. TRU 1 and TRU 2 power DC UTILITY BUS 1 and 2 respectively.
Whenever the MAIN BUS TIE switch/light is selected following a TRU 1 or 2 failure, the DC UTIL buses are load shed to reduce the DC electrical load.

TRU 1 Failed and MAIN BUS TIE Closed
Figure 07.10.20


 ELECTRICAL Description  Vol. 2  07.10.25 
Oct 05/06 

The DC ESS BUS powers equipment essential for safe flight and, therefore, may be supplied by numerous DC sources to ensure redundancy of its power supply. Normally, ESS TRU 1 and ESS TRU 2 power the DC ESS BUS. In the event of a single ESS TRU failure, either ESS TRU is capable of sustaining the DC ESS BUS load. Should both ESS TRUs fail with the aircraft in flight, the APU BATT DIR BUS, through the DC ESS solid-state contactor, will power the DC ESS BUS.
During ADG operation, the AC ESS BUS powers ESS TRU 1, which in turn powers the DC ESS BUS. The DC ESS BUS can also be powered by the APU and main batteries, through the emergency DC transfer contactor. Refer to the ADG section of this chapter for additional information.
The BATT BUS powers equipment essential for safe flight, and may be supplied by several DC sources to ensure redundancy. Normally, ESS TRU 1 and ESS TRU 2 power the BATT BUS when the main AC buses are powered. If the ESS TRUs are not operating (no AC power or ESS TRU failures), the BATT BUS will be powered by the APU BATT DIR BUS and MAIN BATT DIR BUS, provided the BATT MASTER switch is selected ON.
The BATT MASTER switch, located on the ELECTRICAL POWER panel, controls the APU BATT and MAIN BATT contactors to supply the BATT BUS, as described above.
The BATT BUS also supplies the DC EMER BUS.
Battery Power Distribution System
The battery power distribution system represents a small portion of the aircraft’s total DC load. The batteries primarily provide the energy needed to start the APU, which can then be used to supply AC power to the aircraft. The batteries also supply emergency DC power in-flight, should all AC power be lost and the ADG become inoperative.
Two rechargeable nickel-cadmium (NiCad) batteries are installed in the aircraft. The main battery is a 24-volt, 17-amp/hour battery located in the nose section. The APU battery is a 24-volt, 43-amp/hour battery, installed in the aft equipment bay.
The batteries supply DC electrical power to the following buses:




Battery Charging
The main battery charger and APU battery charger are in a charging configuration at all times, when the applicable main AC buses are powered.
AC BUS 1 for main battery charger

AC BUS 2 for APU battery charger

The battery chargers operate automatically in various modes, based on battery temperatures. Should a battery or battery charger fault be detected, the respective battery charger will shut down. A MAIN (APU) BATT CHGR FAIL status EICAS message will appear, and the CHGR OFF icon will be displayed on the DC ELECTRICAL synoptic page, indicating a failure.
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