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LIGHTING Description Vol. 2 16.10.1
Oct 05/06
The lighting system provides interior and exterior illumination of the aircraft. In addition, lights provide information and guidance to passengers in normal and emergency situations.
The lighting system includes:
Exterior lighting;
Flight compartment lighting;
Passenger compartment (cabin) lighting;
Service lighting; and
Emergency lighting.
The exterior lighting system is controlled from the EXTERNAL LTS panel or the LANDING LTS panel, and consists of the following:
Navigation lights;
Beacon light;
Anti-collision lights;
Logo lights;
Wing inspection lights;
Landing lights; and
Recognition/taxi lights.
Components and Operation
Navigation Lights
The navigation lights are located in each wing tip, fuselage tail cone tip, and at the tip of the stabilizer fairing. A wing tip assembly contains two navigation lights that work simultaneously.
Wing Tip Navigation Light Figure 16.10.1
The NAV switch controls the navigation lights (see Figure 16.10.2).
LIGHTING Description Vol. 2 16.10.2
Oct 05/06
EXTERIOR LIGHTING (CONT'D) Beacon Light There are two red beacon lights located on the top and bottom of the fuselage, near the middle of the aircraft.
The BEACON switch controls the beacon lights (see Figure 16.10.3).
Anticollision Lights
The anticollision lights consist of two wing tip strobe lights, located in the wing tip assembly, and one strobe light at the tip of the fuselage tail cone, co-located with the navigation light.
The A/COLL switch controls the anticollision strobe lights (see Figure 16.10.3).
Logo Lights
The logo lights are located on top of the aircraft’s engine pylons. When selected, these lights illuminate the aircraft’s vertical stabilizer.
The LOGO switch controls the logo lights (see Figure 16.10.4).
Wing Inspection Lights
There are two wing inspection lights located on the fuselage, forward of each wing root.
The WING-INSP switch controls the left and right wing inspection lights (see Figure 16.10.4).
Landing Lights
There are four landing lights on the aircraft. Two lights are located in the nose, and one light is located in each wing, at the root.
The NOSE switch, located on the LANDING LTS panel, controls both nose landing lights simultaneously (see Figure 16.10.7).
The LEFT switch and the RIGHT switch, located on the LANDING LTS panel, control each wing landing light respectively (seeFigure 16.10.6).
Turning on the left or right landing light turns on the respective side recognition/taxi light.
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本文链接地址:庞巴迪挑战者605公务机机组操作手册 CL605-CHAPTER 16 -灯光 LIGHTING(2)