
庞巴迪挑战者300公务机机组操作手册 Bombardier Challenger-飞机概述 Airplane General(11)

时间:2011-11-01 13:03来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机
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Sep 13/2004 Flight Crew Operating Manual Volume 2 REV 1 CSP 100-6
01-05-03 PASSENGER DOOR (Cont)

The door latch mechanism consists of two cams which are part of a primary shaft installed horizontally on the door struc-ture. The primary shaft turns with inputs from the internal handle and the external handle. The internal handle attaches directly to the primary shaft. The external handle connects to the primary shaft through control rods and a lever.
The latch mechanism has three different primary functions as follows:.
-Vent flap function
-Door lifting function
-Open lock function
It is not possible to open the cabin door if some cabin pressure remains. A pressure lock lever, which connects to the vent flap through a control rod and link, prevents movement of the inner handle and the vent flap stays closed. After cabin pres-sure is released, the springs allow the vent flap to open. The pressure lock disengages, and the door handles can then oper-ate. The springs also insure that the vent flap opens if a part of the operating mechanism becomes unserviceable or disconnects. If one spring breaks, the other two springs can open the vent flap to release cabin pressure.
Another cam on the primary shaft of the latch mechanism causes the door to move vertically. As the cam turns, force is applied to a lever which connect to a lifting shaft installed parallel to the primary shaft. At each end of the lifting shaft is a lever which connects to the door hinge mechanism. Movement of the two levers causes the door to move vertically in re-lation to the hinge.
The lifting shaft has a locking ratchet cam connected to the vent flap cam which stops vertical movement of the door unless the vent flap is fully open. A pressure lock system also stops more movement of the primary cam shaft if the vent flap is kept closed by too much cabin pressure. When the pressure decreases sufficiently, the springs can open the vent flap and the locking cam moves to let the lifting shaft turn.
When the door is fully open it is not possible to close it until a system of mechanical locks is released. This lock mechanism also prevents too much vertical movement of the steps when entering and exiting the aircraft.
When the door is fully open, the primary lock engages the locking cam on the external handle pivot shaft.

A PASSENGER DOOR status (S) CAS message is displayed if the passenger door is not fully closed and the following conditions exist:
-The aircraft is on the ground with the left engine run switch in the OFF position
-The aircraft is on the ground, the passenger door handle is not stowed, and both engines are not running
A PASSENGER DOOR caution (C) CAS message is displayed if the passenger door is not fully closed and the following conditions exist:
-The aircraft is on the ground with the left engine run switch in the On position
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