
庞巴迪挑战者605公务机机组操作手册 CL605-通讯 COMMUNICATIONS(6)

时间:2011-10-27 15:35来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

 COMMUNICATIONS Description  Vol. 2  06.10.11 
Oct 05/06 

Figure 06.10.6


 COMMUNICATIONS Description  Vol. 2  06.10.12 
Oct 05/06 

HF Control Page
An HF control page, labelled HF (1 or 2) CONTROL, is accessed by pressing the line key adjacent to the desired radio title. Pushing the active frequency line, with no data in the scratchpad, returns the display to the TUNE page.
The HF radio control page provides control and display of the following:
Squelch mode selection;

Test function;

Frequency/Emergency/Maritime mode selection;

Recall frequency selection;

Preset frequency selection;

Transmission mode;

Power level; and

Simplex or duplex operation.

The squelch level is indicated as one of four levels (SQ 0/SQ 1/SQ 2/SQ 3). SQ 0 is the squelch “off” position, while SQ 3 is the maximum squelch level.
Pressing the TEST line key for either HF radio causes the unit to perform a 15 second self-test. The TEST indication is replaced with a green PASS or yellow FAIL annunciator following completion of the test.
The FREQ/EMER/MAR mode is displayed on the HF control page. It allows for the use of manually entered frequencies, or selection of defined emergency or international telephone union (ITU) maritime channels. The inactive modes are displayed in white, and the active mode is displayed larger and in cyan.
The power level (LO/MED/HI) is displayed on the HF control page. The active level is displayed larger and in cyan.
The HF operates in simplex or half-duplex mode, using three types of modulation: lower sideband voice (LV), upper sideband voice (UV), or amplitude modulation equivalent (AM). The active emission mode enlarges and is displayed in cyan next to the HF frequency.
Valid scratchpad entries for the HF depend on which tuning or operating mode has been selected from the HF control page. The selectable tune modes that affect how data is entered into the TUNE page scratchpad include:
Manual frequency entry (FREQ);

Emergency channel (EMER);

Maritime channel (MAR);

Simplex or duplex frequency operation (SIMP, DUP); and

Emission mode operation (LV, UV, AM).


 COMMUNICATIONS Description  Vol. 2  06.10.13 
Oct 05/06 

Figure 06.10.7


 COMMUNICATIONS Description  Vol. 2  06.10.14 
Oct 05/06 

MFD Tuning
The VHF and HF radios may be tuned using the cursor control panel (CCP) to navigate a menu shown on the MFD radio tuning window.
Tuning and mode selection within the radio tuning window is carried out via controls on a dedicated section of the cursor control panel (CCP). The following controls on each CCP are used for tuning and functional control of the VHF and HF radios;
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本文链接地址:庞巴迪挑战者605公务机机组操作手册 CL605-通讯 COMMUNICATIONS(6)
