
庞巴迪挑战者605公务机机组操作手册 CL605-动力装置 POWER_PLANT(11)

时间:2011-10-31 12:02来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机
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Emergency stow – A thrust reverser emergency stow system is installed to stow an unlocked thrust reverser. Selecting the respective UNLK switch/light on the THRUST REVERSER panel directs 14th-stage bleed air to the PDU to stow the unlocked reverser.


While the UNLK switch/light is selected, 14th-stage bleed air is continuously applied to the PDU, even if the reverser returns to the stowed position.

 POWER PLANT Description  Vol. 2  19.10.23 
Oct 05/06 

The CF 34–3B engine controls consist of the following:
Thrust levers

Thrust reversers

Engine start/ignition panel

Engine control panel

The EICAS page and SUMMARY page provide analog and digital engine information, and system warning/caution and advisory messages.
Engine Starting

Engine Start/Ignition Panel
Figure 19.10.15


 POWER PLANT Description  Vol. 2  19.10.24 
Oct 05/06 

Figure 19.10.16


 POWER PLANT Description  Vol. 2  19.10.25 
Oct 05/06 

Thrust Levers
Figure 19.10.17


 POWER PLANT Description  Vol. 2  19.10.26 
Oct 05/06 

Oil System

Impending Bypass and Chip Detector Annunciators (JB5)
Figure 19.10.19


 POWER PLANT Description  Vol. 2  19.10.27 
Oct 05/06 

N1 Indications
Figure 19.10.20


 POWER PLANT Description  Vol. 2  19.10.28 
Oct 05/06 

ITT Indications
Figure 19.10.21


 POWER PLANT Description  Vol. 2  19.10.29 
Oct 05/06 

N2 Indications
Figure 19.10.22


 POWER PLANT Description  Vol. 2  19.10.30 
Oct 05/06 

Engine Secondary Indications
Figure 19.10.23


 POWER PLANT Description  Vol. 2  19.10.31 
Oct 05/06 

Message Meaning Aural Warning (If Any)
(Triple Chime) Either the APR has failed or it is not armed (APR to arm and N1 >79% and both eng speed switches on).

APR has been inadvertently activated on both engines.
The engine comparator has sensed a discrepancy in the respective engine
parameters (N1, ITT or N2).
Respective fuel filter is in impending bypass mode.

Insufficient pressure at the respective engine pump inlet.

Reverser moved away from fully stowed position without a deploy command.

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公务机翻译 www.aviation.cn
本文链接地址:庞巴迪挑战者605公务机机组操作手册 CL605-动力装置 POWER_PLANT(11)