
庞巴迪挑战者300公务机机组操作手册 Bombardier_Challenger-通讯(11)

时间:2011-11-02 15:22来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者
The SELCAL message on EICAS is removed when the radio/transmit switch is activated for the VHF or HF radio that received the message.

The satellite communication (SATCOM) system (optional), makes possible voice and data communications in most loca-tions in the world (except in the farthest polar regions). SATCOM is also better than other long-range communication sys-tems in connectivity, voice quality, reliability, and traffic volume capacity.
The SATCOM option consists of three primary systems:
-Space system
-Ground system (ground earth stations (GESs), service providers, public telephone systems, etc.)
-Aircraft earth station (AES)
The space system is a series of satellites that act as a two-way relay between the AES and GES. The satellites are in geo-synchronous orbits 22 300 mi (36 000 km) above the equator. The satellites operate between 75 degrees north and south latitude and there is an overlap in the areas of coverage.
The ground system has GESs and local/long distance telephone networks. The GESs interchange data between the space system and the public or private telephone and data networks for worldwide communications.
The AES operates within the satellite communications system of the international maritime satellite organization. The AES uses the satellite to give digital communication between the aircraft and the GES. The AES access the international mari-time satellite organization satellites with L-band communications. The satellites then transmit and receive the data with C-band to the GES. The GES can transmit packet data (such as ARINC communications addressing and reporting system (AFIS), that provides data on aircraft conditions, departure time, arrival time, or flight delay time). The GES can also trans-mit telephone communications (such as voice, fax, and PC modem data).
Sep 13/2004 Flight Crew Operating Manual Volume 2 REV 1 CSP 100-6
06-01-11 SATCOM (OPTIONAL) (Cont)

The SATCOM system interfaces with a dedicated antenna subsystem to provide satellite communications. A minimum of three satellite communications channels are required: two voice channels and one data channel. One voice channel is ded-icated to the flight compartment, and another voice channel is dedicated to the office in the sky (OITS) telephone. The data channel is assigned for either the airborne flight information system (AFIS) or the OTIS facsimile or modem.
The factory option of the SATCOM consists of a six channel SATCOM system and antenna. Components include:
-Satellite data unit
-High power amplifier
-Radio frequency unit
-High gain antenna.
-Cabin communication system interface via handset
-Airborne data link system
-PC data and fax capability COMPONENTS AND OPERATION SATELLITE DATA UNIT (SDU) Provides interface to all airplane avionics and contains the location of the applicable satellites and rate/frequency transla-tion for two-voice communication.
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