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May 06/2005 REV 2 Flight Crew Operating Manual CSP 100-6 Volume -01-13 Volume 2 08 -01-13 PROTECTIVE BREATHING EQUIPMENT (Cont) STEP 6 Following actuation, the hood will inflate over a 15-20 second period. After this period, the starter candle will cease flowing and the only sound will be a slight rustling of the fabric on each inhalation and exhalation. Dependent upon breathing rate, there will be a slight exhalation resistance as the exhaled breath is forced through the oxygen generating canister. Inhalation resistance will be almost unrecognizable since inhalation is directly from the interior of the hood through a diaphragm type check valve located at the base of the oronasal mask. The visor should remain clear of fogging or misting. Heat is produced by both the chemical air regeneration process and transfer of body heat during the rebreathing cycle. Heat build-up within the hood is normal and is dependent upon the amount of work performed. There should be no irritating or strong unusual odors within the hood. Operational duration is variable dependent upon the amount of work performed by the user. If the PBE is worn to exhaustion of the chemical regeneration system, this will be evidenced by a gradual reduction in the expended volume of the hood until the point that the hood is collapsed tightly around the head at the end of a full inhalation. Additionally, there will be a rapid buildup of heat and moisture in the hood as the canister loses its effectiveness. At this point, the wearer should immediately retire to a safe breathing area clear of flame and toxic fumes and remove the device. 中国公务机网 www.gongwuji.com 公务机翻译 www.aviation.cn 本文链接地址:庞巴迪挑战者300公务机机组操作手册 Bombardier Challenger-氧气和应急设备(8) |