
庞巴迪挑战者300公务机机组操作手册 Bombardier Challenger-动力装置(6)

时间:2011-11-16 12:03来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机
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N2 speed is displayed on the EICAS. There is no EICAS indication for the variable geometry system.
The N2 compressor drives the engine accessory gearbox. Mounted on the gearbox are:
-Engine lubrication pumps
-Hydraulic pump (EDP 1 or EDP 2)
-Engine fuel pump and fuel metering unit (FMU)
-Air turbine starter
-Integral oil reservoir
-Permanent Magnet Alternator (PMA)
The PMA provides three-phase power to each engine control unit (ECU). The ECU measures N2 from one of the three phase inputs. The PMA is designed to provide the electric power required by the control system and engine at and above 45% N2. This speed is less than the minimum N2 idle speed. The PMA is considered to be the primary source of ECU pow-er, with 28 VDC from the aircraft being the backup source. Aircraft 28 VDC power is required for starting and shutdown.
May 06/2005 Flight Crew Operating Manual Volume 2 REV 2 CSP 100-6

Fuel is delivered to the fuel injectors at the pressures and flow rates necessary to maintain the desired engine thrust. The engine fuel system also performs the following functions:
-Compressor variable geometry actuator.
-Cool the engine oil (heat transfer).
-Actuate and lubricate fuel system components.
-Provide motive flow for the scavenge and main ejector pumps.
Combustion fuel can be interrupted by moving the L (R) ENGINE run switches to STOP or by selecting the L (R) ENGINE FIRE switches. The STOP position shuts off the fuel at the fuel metering unit. The L (R) ENGINE FIRE switch closes the fuel shutoff valve and the fuel metering valve shutoff valve.
The fuel pump mounted on the accessory gearbox is comprised of three separate pumps contained within a single housing. The fuel pump provides fuel under high pressure and at flow rate that exceeds the requirements of the engine at any power setting. Excess fuel is bypassed back through the fuel filter system for re-circulation.
Fuel pump pressure is also used to generate motive flow for the scavenge and main ejectors of the aircraft fuel system.
A fuel/oil heat exchanger warms engine fuel and cools engine oil. The engine fuel temperature is indicated on the FUEL synoptic page.
A 10 micron fuel filter is used to remove solid contaminants from the fuel. The filter is depicted on the FUEL synoptic page. An impending fuel filter bypass condition on either engine is reported by an advisory CAS message L(R) ENGINE FUEL BYPASS. A dual impending fuel filter bypass condition on both engines is reported by a caution CAS message (ENGINES FUEL BYPASS).
The fuel metering unit (FMU) is an electrohydraulic device that meters and distributes the fuel needed for combustion based upon control signals from the FADEC system. The FMU’s primary components are the fuel metering valve and pres-surizing and shutoff valve. The metering valve supplies fuel in response to commands from the FADEC to maintain com-bustion under all operating conditions. The pressurizing and shutoff valve controls the supply of fuel for combustion.
中国公务机网 www.gongwuji.com
公务机翻译 www.aviation.cn
本文链接地址:庞巴迪挑战者300公务机机组操作手册 Bombardier Challenger-动力装置(6)
