
庞巴迪环球5000公务机机组操作手册 Bombardier Global-空调和增压(4)

时间:2011-11-03 11:52来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机
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OFF . Selects LCV off.


AUTO . LCV operation (open/close) is controlled by the BMC through the APU FADEC. For more information see Chapter 5, AUXILIARY POWER UNIT.


ON . Selects LCV to open. BMC will reposition the other valves as required to respect bleed air rules.

Rev 12, Aug 14, 2006 Flight Crew Operating Manual Volume 2


The BLEED/ANTI-ICE synoptic is selected using the EICAS Control Panel, located on the pedestal.

EICAS Control Panel
Leading Edge

Bleed Air Starter Pop.Up Display and Starter Air Valve (only displayed if an engine is not operating)
For more information on the Anti-Ice system, see Chapter 14, ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION. For more information on the Starter Pop-Up, see Chapter 18, POWER PLANT.
Volume 2 Flight Crew Operating Manual Rev 12, Aug 14, 2006

The BLEED/ANTI-ICE synoptic is selected using the EICAS Control Panel, located on the pedestal.

EICAS Control Panel

Pressure RegulatorLoad Control Valve Valve (PRV)
For more information on the APU see Chapter 5, AUXILIARY POWER UNIT. For more information on the engines, see Chapter 18, POWER PLANT.
Rev 12, Aug 14, 2006 Flight Crew Operating Manual Volume 2


There are two BMCs, one for the left hand side and one for the right hand side of the airplane. Each BMC comprises two channels (control and monitoring).
The control channel ensures on/off switching and control functions for its associated side, as listed:
Bleed on/off.

Wing and cowl anti-ice on/off switching and monitoring.

Wing anti-ice temperature regulation and monitoring.

Cross.bleed valve (CBV) and cross anti.ice functions.

The monitoring channel controls monitoring functions and leak detection and provides:
Leak detection for the complete airplane. The redundancy on the leak detection is achieved by the two monitoring channels of the two BMCs.

Redundancy on control and monitoring of bleed switching, anti-ice switching, wing anti-ice temperature regulation.


For more information on anti-ice, see Chapter 14, ICE & RAIN PROTECTION.
Volume 2  Flight Crew Operating Manual Rev 12, Aug 14, 2006

Engine Bleed Air
The BMC selects air from either the low pressure port or high pressure port on the engine, depending on the pressure available. The Pressure Regulating Valve (PRV) limits the pressure supplied to 43±3 psig.
Under normal operating conditions (inflight), the air is bled from the 5th stage of compression (low pressure port). An intermediate pressure check valve, located in the engine nacelle, prevents reverse flow into the engine compressor 5th stage.

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