
庞巴迪环球5000公务机机组操作手册 Bombardier Global-自动飞行控制系统(11)

时间:2011-11-03 12:02来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机
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The pitch hold mode holds a flight path angle rather than a fixed pitch angle. The selected flight director pitch angle will change with altitude, configuration and/or airspeed changes, while climbing, descending or in level flight.
PIT mode is annunciated in the vertical capture field on the PFD. Pitch mode is cleared by selecting another vertical mode. PIT will flash for 5 seconds, when active.

Vertical Speed (VS) Select
VS mode is used to maintain a pilot selected vertical speed reference. FGC will generate pitch commands to align the airplane vertical rate displayed on the PFD. The airplane vertical rate is adjustable via the pitch wheel. The pilot may select another vertical speed reference without cancelling VS mode by depressing the TCS button and maneuvering the airplane to another vertical speed.

FGC will not generate commands to exceed Vmo or Mmo when in VS mode. When a potential overspeed condition is detected, VS flight director pitch commands will be limited to 3 knots less than Vmo or Mmo and MAX SPD annunciation is displayed on the PFD and an aural warning is activated.

When VS mode is active, the pitch angle is limited to ± 20°. The vertical speed commands are from .8000 feet/minute to +6000 feet/minute.
Rev 3, Apr 25, 2005 Flight Crew Operating Manual Volume 2 CSP 700.5000.6 04.10.23

Vertical Speed (VS) Select (Cont’d)
VS mode is activated by selecting

on guidance panel. VS mode is annunciated in the
vertical capture field on the PFD. VS mode is cleared by selecting another vertical mode.
will flash for 5 seconds, when active.

Altitude Select (ASEL) Mode
ASEL mode provides for automatic capture, flare and level off onto a preselected altitude.
ASEL is armed automatically

when the airplane is flying at a continuous vertical rate of greater than 60 feet/minute towards preselected altitude displayed on PFD for 1 second. The preselected altitude is adjusted via the altitude preselect knob on the guidance panel.


ASEL will capture when ascending toward the preselect altitude and preselected altitude is within 2000 feet of current altitude is within 2000 feet of current altitude and the altitude rate required to fly a constant 0.05 G capture curve is less than the current airplane internal climb rate.
ASEL will capture when descending toward the preselect altitude and the preselected altitude is within 10,000 feet of current altitude and the altitude rate required to fly a constant 0.05 G capture
curve is less than the current airplane internal descent rate.

Departure from selected altitude will be followed by an aural “ALTITUDE”and an aural “C Chord”
FGC will generate pitch commands to capture the preselect altitude displayed on the selected PFD. Pitch angle is limited to ± 20°. Once the reference altitude is reached, the altitude hold mode
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