
庞巴迪环球5000公务机机组操作手册 Bombardier Global-自动飞行控制系统(5)

时间:2011-11-03 12:02来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机
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Trim Pilot’s Control Wheel Touch Control Steering (TCS)
Autopilot Quick
Disconnect Button
.  Take-Off/Go Around (TOGA) buttons on thrust levers.
Take.Off/Go Around (TOGA) Button
For a normal autopilot disengagement, AP1 or AP2 annunciator will change to a steady AP1 or AP2 for 2 seconds, then flash continuously and an aural “cavalry charge”will sound once. The annunciation and aural can only be cancelled by depressing DISC button on either control wheel.
For an abnormal autopilot disengagement, (motor trip/failure or AFCS failure), AP1 or AP2 will flash continuously and an aural “cavalry charge”will sound repeatedly. The annunciation and aural can only be cancelled by depressing DISC button on either control wheel.
Volume 2  Flight Crew Operating Manual Rev 2A, Apr 11, 2005
The PFD will display the following AFCS information:

AP engage status

Vertical speed reference



VS Target

VS Speed
Bug Readout
Rev 2A, Apr 11, 2005 Flight Crew Operating Manual Volume 2


Overspeed warning


A . chord

Armed lateral mode


Active lateral mode



Active mode flashes for 5 seconds upon automatic mode capture.


Armed vertical mode


Active vertical mode



Active mode flashes for 5 seconds upon automatic mode capture.

Volume 2 Flight Crew Operating Manual Rev 2A, Apr 11, 2005

There are two modes of operation, one vertical and one lateral. Only one vertical mode and one lateral mode may be active at any time, however up to 2 vertical arm modes and one lateral arm mode may be selected simultaneously.
The armed and active modes are annunciated on both PFDs. Armed modes are displayed in white below active modes, which are displayed in green. The lateral modes are annunciated on the left side of the displays and the vertical modes on the right side, above the attitude sphere. Low bank mode is annunciated via green eyebrow on top of the attitude sphere.

Flight director command bars appear on the PFD whenever an FD mode is selected. The flight director command bars can be removed from the off-side PFD that is not selected for use by the flight director by pressing the off-side FD button, while still retaining the active mode status on both PFDs (either autopilot ON or OFF). The flight director command bars can be removed from both PFDs and all flight director modes canceled by pressing the on-side FD button (autopilot OFF, only; on-side FD button inactive with autopilot ON). The off-side flight director command bars may not be deselected when Go-Around (GA) or Take-Off (TO) mode is active. The flight director command bars may not be deselected on either PFD when Windshear (WSHR) is the active mode.
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