
庞巴迪环球5000公务机机组操作手册 Bombardier_Global-通讯(14)

时间:2011-11-08 15:17来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机
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Position Reporting (ICAO format)
Send crew initiated position report.

Automatically send position report.

Pre-flight Data Request
.  ATIS, terminal weather, departure clearance and oceanic clearance.
In flight Communication
. 000I reports, ETA update, diversion, fuel update, flight delay and airplane problem report.
Send message, messages received.

Terminal, Sigmets and Pireps.

Text Weather
Graphical Weather Maps
.  Composite, significant, tops/movement, depiction, satellite and winds/temp aloft.
Configure Data Link System
.  VHF, SATCOM, telephony, display telelink configuration, discretes configuration, ARINC ports/devices configuration and display telelink faults.
Rev 12, Aug 14, 2006 Flight Crew Operating Manual  Volume 2

The crew can access the DATALINK INDEX PAGE from the NAV INDEX page of the flight management system.

For additional system description and operation, refer to the applicable manufacture handbook.
The multi channel Satellite Communications (SAt-6100) System is provided for worldwide voice and data communications over L. band frequencies.
The SATCOM system interfaces with a dedicated antenna sub-system to provide satellite communications. A minimum of three satellite communications channels are required: two voice channels and one data channel. One voice channel is dedicated to the flight compartment and another voice channel is dedicated to the Office In The Sky (OITS) telephone. The data channel is assigned for either the Airborne Flight Information System (AFIS) or the OITS facsimile or modem.
The Rockwell Collins SAT-6000 consists of a six channel SATCOM system and antenna. Components include:
Satellite data unit (forward avionics bay).

High power amplifier (vertical stabilizer).

Radio frequency unit (forward avionics bay).

High gain antenna (top of vertical stabilizer).

Cabin communication system interface via handset.


Airborne data link system.

Maintenance system through CAIMS.

PC data and FAX capability.

Satellite Data Unit (SDU)
Provides interface to all airplane avionics and contains the location of the applicable satellites and rate/frequency translation for two voice communication.
Radio Frequency Unit (RFU)
The RFU provides three additional simultaneous voice communication channels when operated in conjunction with the SDU.
High Power Amplifier (HPA)
The HPA provides rate/frequency power amplification on the L band signals generated by the satellite data unit or radio frequency unit to a power level required for transmission to the satellite.
Volume 2 Flight Crew Operating Manual Rev 12, Aug 14, 2006
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