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Collaboration Strategy for Staff Training(2)

时间:2011-11-17 21:59来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机

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Bombardier Contribution to Aerospace Engineering Education
.  Courses are given by BA Engineers: 18 Engineers involved

.  Submission of projects for a Bachelor degree in Aerospace Engineering,

.  Addresses BA needs: Specialization in Structures, Systems and Virtual Environment, while covering the basic engineering disciplines with emphasis on aircraft (conceptual design, aerodynamics, performance, stability and control)

.  Integrated Bachelor-Master degree in 5 years to cater for advanced fields: Composite structures or Computational Fluid Dynamics


.  Continuing support to the joint Master in Aerospace Engineeringprogram (CIMGAS)


Why Do We Collaborate with Universities?

“… We also provide training and professional development, while partnering with schools and universities to promote education in the engineering and transportation fields.”
Source: Corporate Responsibility Roadmap -May 2007

1. Developing Talent in University to support BA’s human resource needs.
2. Sustaining an outside Innovation
reservoir to feed our R&D projects.

3. Leveraging Research and Development


.Continuous contact with Universities (formal & informal):
.  Contributes to maintaining a spirit of innovation among Bombardier people

.  Bring external view on our work: Out of the box ideas that will trigger innovation among our Engineers.
.  Act as a think tank for future projects


Collaborative Research and Development

Awareness Research: University Chairs

. McGill: Multi-Disciplinary Analysis and Design of Aerospace Systems,Prof. W.G. Habashi

.  Bombardier, Bell, CAE

.  Junior Chair: Prof. S. Nadarajah, Aerodynamic Shape Optimization


.  Sherbrooke: Aviation Acoustics, Profs. N. Atalla and A. Berry

.  Bombardier, P&W, Bell

. Polytechnique: Integrated Design for Efficient Aircraft, Prof. J-YTrépanier

.  University of Toronto: Endowed Chair to UTIAS

.  Intellectual Property: NSERC guidelines, IP belongs to party which contributes or joint IP, industry receives royalty-free non-revocable licence, exclusive in its field of operation

.  Management: funded for 5 years by the Bombardier foundation; technical review by Bombardier Aerospace staff twice a year.
.  Supported by National Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC)



Collaborative Research and Development

Technology Development

Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex
Systems Inc. (MITACS) Internships
(Accelerate Canada – Accelerate Quebec)


Collaborative Research and Development

Technology Development – NSERC CRD Research
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