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Collaborative Research and Development Technology Development – CRIAQ Projects . National Collaborative Projects: minimum 2 Universities and 2 Industries (can include National Laboratories like NRC); . International Collaborative Projects: minimum one university, one industry in Canada, one university, one industry abroad;
. Intellectual Property already negotiated;
. Provides extensive leverage (up to 7 times if several industrial partners): . 25% Industry, 25% CRIAQ, 50% NSERC . A key element of the aerospace innovation system in Québec.
Collaborative Research and Development GARDN (Green Aviation Research and Development Program)
The Changing Role of the Engineer . Emphasis is on integration of systems and structures . Engineers are called to work in very diversified environments . Multi-disciplinary environment . Multi-site environment . Multi-cultural environment
. The engineer is assumed to have strong technical skills . Soft skills are the critical discriminator: leadership, team spirit,
. “Business” engineers . Focus on Cost: Value Engineering . Process innovation – Lean Enterprise . Three-dimensional thinking . Risk definition and management . Integrate, integrate and integrate:
Aero Montreal 2008 Aerospace Education Summit Interrogations on the Aerospace Profession . Is there any difference between a B.Eng Mechanical or a B.Eng Aerospace? . Do aircraft and engine Manufacturers need B.Eng Industrial and B.Eng Electrical engineers? . What is the average age of engineers and scientists working for the aerospace industry? . Do we have to worry about the growing number of retirements ? . If you could add a course to the B.Eng. Mechanical degree what would it be? . What additional training should be added to the Montreal Aerospace Institutes?
Some suggestions for improving the curriculum |