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Collaboration Strategy for Staff Training(4)

时间:2011-11-17 21:59来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机

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Collaborative Research and Development

Technology Development – CRIAQ Projects
. Consortium de Recherche et d’Innovation en Aérospatiale au Québec;

.  National Collaborative Projects: minimum 2 Universities and 2 Industries (can include National Laboratories like NRC);

.  International Collaborative Projects: minimum one university, one industry in Canada, one university, one industry abroad;


.  Intellectual Property already negotiated;

.  Benefits
.  Allows students to participate in large projects (coordination, timetable, deliverables);

.  Provides extensive leverage (up to 7 times if several industrial partners):

.  25% Industry, 25% CRIAQ, 50% NSERC

.  A key element of the aerospace innovation system in Québec.



Collaborative Research and Development

GARDN (Green Aviation Research and Development Program)


Managing our future through the university collaboration network

The Changing Role of the Engineer
.  The airplane manufacturing business is changing

.  Emphasis is on integration of systems and structures

.  Engineers are called to work in very diversified environments

.  Multi-disciplinary environment

.  Multi-site environment

.  Multi-cultural environment


.  The engineer is assumed to have strong technical skills

.  Soft skills are the critical discriminator: leadership, team spirit, 
commitment to customers and shareholder

.  An Increasing need for project managers.
. A new emphasis on technology development to bring innovative products to the market.

Today’s Industry Needs: The Agile Engineer

. “Business” engineers

. Focus on Cost: Value Engineering

. Process innovation – Lean Enterprise

. Three-dimensional thinking

. Risk definition and management

. Integrate, integrate and integrate:

. Systems engineering

Aero Montreal 2008 Aerospace Education Summit

Interrogations on the Aerospace Profession
. Does the industry need specialists or generalists?

. Is there any difference between a B.Eng Mechanical or a B.Eng Aerospace?

. Do aircraft and engine Manufacturers need B.Eng Industrial and B.Eng Electrical engineers?

. What is the average age of engineers and scientists working for the aerospace industry?

. Do we have to worry about the growing number of retirements ?

. If you could add a course to the B.Eng. Mechanical degree what would it be?

. What additional training should be added to the Montreal Aerospace Institutes?


Some suggestions for improving the curriculum
.  More involvement from Industry in the education process
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