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Collaboration Strategy for Staff Training(3)

时间:2011-11-17 21:59来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机

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. Contract between industry and one professor;

. Intellectual Property: NSERC guidelines, IP belongs to party which contributed or joint IP, industry receives royalty-free non-revocable licence, exclusive in its field of operation;

. Management: Typically 3-4 years in duration, trains ~5 Graduate students;

. Works well to build/maintain critical mass in University lab, in addition to other types of funded research.


Collaborative Research and Development

Technology Development – Montreal Aerospace Institute Stages
.  Summer internship positions (500 hrs/4 months);

.  Involves most Montreal aerospace firms with Concordia, ETS, Laval, McGill, Polytechnique and Sherbrooke;

.  Management: run by a University/Industry board;

.  Intellectual Property: already negotiated: ownership to Industry;

.  Program is used by Strategic Technology Office as demonstration programwithin Core Engineering:

.  Strategic technology paid stages offered in Core Engineering Departments

.  Enables departments to foster ties with students/universities;

.  Program often successful: Departments extend internships with their own budgets;




Collaborative Research and Development

Technology Development – Bourses en Milieu de Pratique (BMP)
. Started in 2007 by MDEIE (Ministère du Développement économique, Innovation et Exportation) after consultation with industry;

.  Master (2 years) and Ph.D. (3 years) programs to be performed mostly in industry, through joint university-industry student supervision;

.  Subjects defined by academia or industry;

.  Industry commits to 1/3 of the student stipend, with provincial and federal governments providing the same amount each;

.  Intellectual Property negotiated following topic ownership (NSERC rules for Ph.D.)

.  Benefits:
.  For University: increase industrial hire of M.Sc. and Ph.D. graduates

.  For Industry: increase innovation capability by hiring staff trained for research


Collaborative Research and Development

Technology Development – MITACS Internships (Accelerate Canada)
.  4-month internships in technical field, renewable once or twice;

.  Company pays . with government matching the other half; stage can be extended to one year if necessary

.  Post-graduate students only;

.  Very low application overhead, response within 1 month;

.  Intellectual Property generally to Industry ;

.  Usually works best as technology transfer from students working on other R&D projects, at the end of their studies.

Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex
Systems Inc. (MITACS) Internships
(Accelerate Canada – Accelerate Quebec)
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