
Introducing full FBW for business aviation 公务航空电传系统(6)

时间:2011-12-01 09:18来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机

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Certain system failures (hydraulic,
electrical, etc) will cause the FCs to
degrade from normal control law
first to alternate law and then to
direct law, in which sidestick posi-
tion corresponds directly with con-
trol position. SFCs always operate
in direct law, with the pilot using
the center pedestal switches for
pitch trim.
If all FCs are lost the 7X will be
flown in manual reversion, with
electric pitch trim and rudder.
While the upper main rudder of the
7X is hydraulically actuated, the
lower rudder is electrically actuat-
ed with high-speed electric motors.
Manual reversion employs this
lower rudder and is thus 100%
Electrical power in the 7X is thus
necessary both for FBW and for its
backup. At the Dassault equipment
facility at Saint-Cloud I took the op-
portunity to fly another 7X simula-
tor, this one linked to the 7X “glob-
al test bench” (GTB).
The GTB has complete electrical,
hydraulic and flight control systems
working together. The Falcon 7X
has 3 engine-driven electrical gen-
erators and 2 permanent magnet
generators (PMGs), which are driv-
en by engines 1 and 2.
The 3 engine-driven generators
power MFC 1 and 2 and SFC 1 and
2 through the left and right essen-
tial busses. These will be backed up
by the emergency RAT generator
and by the aircraft’s 2 batteries.
MFC 3 and SFC 3 are each pow-
ered by one of the 2 PMGs.
Dassault has built significant
redundancy into the 7X’s electrical
system—in all there are 6 genera-
tors and 2 batteries.

Don Witt is a former Airbus A320 captain
with United. He has
also worked as a
meteorologist, CFI,
charter/ corporate
pilot and FSI Learjet

instructor. He flew McDonnell F4s in Vietnam.
PROFESSIONAL PILOT  / September 2004 97



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本文链接地址:Introducing full FBW for business aviation 公务航空电传系统(6)