
2010 nbaa annual report 2010 nbaa 年度报告

时间:2011-12-13 09:10来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机

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DeDicateD to helping business achieve its highest goals.

2010 nbaa annual report
chairman’s message 2
Year in review 4
Industry Continued Sending the Message: No Plane, No Gain 4 Advocacy Efforts Remained Strong 6 Emphasis on Safety Continued 7 Outreach Strengthened, Globally and Locally 8 Member Benefits Increased 10

2010 awarDs 12
combineD financial statements 14
Independent Auditor’s Report 14 Combined Statements of Financial Position 15 Combined Statements of Activities 16 Combined Statements of Cash Flows 17 Notes to Combined Financial Statements 18
nbaa boarD of Directors anD staff 24


Dear NBAA Member,

This NBAA Annual Report summarizes my first year as chairman of NBAA’s Board of Directors, one in which your Association made continued progress on a number of fronts, despite the economic and policy challenges facing the industry.
The list of NBAA accomplishments include momentum in demonstrating the importance of business aviation, advocating for the industry and expanding NBAA’s safety and other programs that add value to Membership with the Association.
Among the highlights in the 2010 NBAA Annual Report are:

proving business aviation’s value
In 2010, the No Plane No Gain advocacy campaign made further inroads with elected officials and opinion leaders nationwide through advertising, media outreach, local initiatives and new advocacy resources all designed to deliver the message that business aviation is essential in creating jobs, providing a transportation lifeline to communities, helping businesses succeed and supporting people in need. The campaign also included support-building regional events that drew hundreds of local leaders.
Results are reflected partly in the growing numbers of congressional lawmakers in General Aviation Caucuses in the House and Senate. By year’s end, 125 House members and 31 senators had joined the caucuses. It’s also clear the No Plane No Gain message was heard outside the nation’s capital – 19 governors issued proclamations honoring business aviation’s contributions to their states.
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