
Management of Foreign Business Aircraft Flight Application

时间:2011-12-09 12:43来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机

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曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

Management of Foreign Business
Aircraft Flight Application
Xiao Zhen
􀂃 Current situation and existing problems
􀂃 Managerial Improvement
􀂃 Look forward to the future
The increase trend of the operations by the business aircraft registed abroad
􀂃 Year 2009, planed operation 4545;
􀂃 Year 2010, planed operation 6969;
􀂃 The year-on-year growth is 53.3%.
2 0 0 0
4 0 0 0
6 0 0 0
8 0 0 0
2 0 0 9年2 0 1 0 年
Current situation and existing problems
Operations of foreign business flight
J a n
F e b
M a r
A p r
M a y
J u n
J u l
A u g
S e p
O c t
N o v
D e c
􀂃 Growing fast
􀂃 The periodically distribution
characteristics is obviously
􀂃 The peak time is in March,
April, September, October and
Current situation and existing problems
􀂃 We do not have dedicated airport or runway for Business aircraft
􀂃 Large airports like BCIA, Hongqiao and Pudong etc. could not meet the slot demands for business flight. In rush hour of public transportation flights , the requested slots of business flights are often be suggested to change.
􀂃 High traffic density airports have serious restriction to the take off and landing of light and low speed business aircraft.
􀂃 Most airports do not have dedicated service facilities for business flight.

􀂃 There is a serious shortage of the service capabilities for business aircraft in middle-sized airports during large event.
Current situation and existing problems
􀂃 Current situation and existing problems
􀂃 Managerial Improvement
中国公务机网 www.gongwuji.com
公务机翻译 www.aviation.cn
本文链接地址:Management of Foreign Business Aircraft Flight Application
