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DASSAULT FALCON 900EX EASY SYSTEMS SUMMARY Air Conditioning & Pressurization(13)

时间:2012-01-12 15:51来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机

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The automatic mode has two main laws of operation:
-the normal law (NORM),
-the Flight Level law (FL),

with, in either mode, a LOW cabin altitude rate of change option.
The system allows high altitude landing and take-off.
It also provides on the ground:
-automatic pressurization during take-off, by pre-pressurizing the cabin at the outside pressure + 11 hPa, in order to avoid cabin pressure bump during take off rotation, -automatic depressurization sequence after landing, by de-pressurizing cabin at
outside pressure, in order to cancel cabin differential pressure.
■ NORM law

This mode provides the most comfortable pressurization mode by limiting the cabin pressure rate of change during climb and descent based on airplane altitude and vertical speed.

■ FL law

This mode is intended to maintain a low cabin altitude of 1,000 ft until airplane reaches 23,000 ft (
 = 8.2 psi). Climb to 51,000 ft is possible in this mode but cabin pressure variation is less comfortable above 23,000 ft.


■ LOW cabin rate
LOW cabin altitude rate of change can be activated with either NORM or FL laws to limit the rate of change to lower values: + 500 / - 300 ft/min instead of + 650 / - 400 ft/min.

■ High altitude landing and take off
High altitude landing and take-off ranging from 8,000 ft to 14,000 ft are made possible by automatically shifting the treshold of the CAS message. Without any additional crew action, the nominal treshold (9,700 ft) of the CAS message is automatically modified, by the pressurization system, during descent or take-off, and set at the landing field elevation + 1,700 ft (limited to 14,500 ft).

MAN pressurization mode
This mode is to be selected in case of failure of the automatic pressurization mode. The crew directly controls the cabin altitude rate of climb or descent with the manual pressurization control knob.

EMER pressurization mode
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