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DASSAULT FALCON 900EX EASY SYSTEMS SUMMARY Air Conditioning & Pressurization(14)

时间:2012-01-12 15:51来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机

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This mode allows an emergency pressurization by closing the CABIN conditioning valve and driving the CKPT temperature control valve to the full hot position.

DUMP depressurization mode
In case of failure of the pressurization system to achieve the correct cabin pressure at destination, the cabin pressure can be dumped by forcing the outflow valves to full open position.

The baggage compartment is normally pressurized at approximately the same differential pressure as the cabin area. The baggage compartment can be isolated completely from the pressurization system by selecting bleed air “BAG ISOL” pushbutton.
. For more information, refer to CODDE 1 / Chapter 02 / ATA 36.

The nose cone is ventilated during ground and low altitude flight operations. It is also pressurized in normal flight conditions and the transition from ventilation to pressurization is entirely automatic.
The function of the pressurization is to ensure a positive differential pressure of the nose cone in order to achieve sufficient sealing.




CONTROL Overhead panel

Instrument panel


The manual pressurization control knob allows to control the rate of climb from - 1,500 ft/min to + 2,500 ft/min. A constant cabin pressure may be achieved by adjusting the manual pressurization control knob, within the white area, until the cabin altitude rate of change indicator stabilizes at zero.
The rest position is in front of the green line in automatic mode. Prior to the selection of the MAN mode, put the knob into the white area. In MAN mode, turn the knob until the desired cabin altitude rate of change is achieved.


ECS synoptic


Through the ECS synoptic boxes with the CCD, the flight crew can:
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