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L (R) DISPLAYS Selector
L DISPLAYS and R DISPLAYS selectors are used to control the basic configuration of the associated PFD and MFD. Selector positions are; NORM, MFD REV and PFD REV. Each selector is typically left in the NORM position, causing the on-side outboard display to operate as a PFD, and the inboard display to operate as an MFD.
MFD REV and PFD REV positions on each selector are used in the event of a display failure. To better understand the functions of these positions, the selector should be thought of as a pointer, pointing to the functioning display.
For example, should the onside PFD fail, the selector would be moved to the MFD REV position, pointing to the functional display. Likewise, should the onside MFD fail, the selector would be moved to the PFD REV position, again pointing to the functional display.
What will be shown on the display following a reversionary selection is dependant on where the EICAS page is being presented. If the EICAS is being shown on the onside MFD, moving the DISPLAYS selector to the MFD REV position will cause the display to revert to the compressed configuration, showing PFD and EICAS data on the same display. If the MFD REV position is selected for the display not showing EICAS, the MFD display will not be affected.
Similarly, if the PFD REV is selected when EICAS is shown on the onside MFD, the PFD will show a compressed configuration. If the PFD REV position is selected when the EICAS is shown on the opposite MFD, the PFD display will not be affected.
AURAL/VISUAL WARNING SYSTEM Description Vol. 2 03.10.30
Oct 05/06
Displays Selector . PFD REV Selected
Figure 03.10.26
Displays Selector . MFD REV Selected
Figure 03.10.27
Maintenance Diagnostic Computer
The maintenance diagnostic computer (MDC) is used to record avionics and system diagnostic data. The computer also records exceedances for several engine parameters, including N1, N2, ITT, oil temperature, oil pressure and engine vibration.
AURAL/VISUAL WARNING SYSTEM Description Vol. 2 03.10.31
Oct 05/06
The MDC continuously records fault and engine trend monitoring data. This data may be viewed by maintenance personnel on one of the multifunction displays. It may also be downloaded to a maintenance facility computer for analysis.
An exceedance event occurs when a parameter exceeds a specified threshold level. Maintenance personnel can retrieve the information for use in engine trend analysis, significant event recording, and for avionics/aircraft system failure detection.
The MDC page menu is available on the flight deck by selection of a red guarded switch on circuit breaker panel number one (CBP 1). Data can be displayed on MFD 1 or MFD 2, as determined by switch selection. Instructions on MDC data presentation are displayed on the selected MFD.
Maintenance Diagnostic Computer Switch
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