
庞巴迪环球5000公务机机组操作手册 Bombardier Global-飞行操纵

时间:2011-11-10 10:26来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

Primary Flight Controls  10.10.1 
Secondary Flight Controls  10.10.2 
Spoiler System  10.10.2 
Trim Control  10.10.2 
High Lift Devices  10.10.3 
Stall Protection  10.10.3 
Hydraulic Power Distribution  10.10.3 
Indicating System  10.10.3 
Flight Control Synoptic Page  10.10.4 
EICAS Primary Page  10.10.4 
Primary Flight Control Schematic  10.10.5 
Aileron Control  10.10.6 
Aileron Control General Arrangement  10.10.6 
Aileron Control System  10.10.6 
Aileron Control System Operation  10.10.7 
Aileron Surface Position Indication  10.10.8 
Aileron Trim  10.10.9 
Aileron Control Schematic  10.10.10 
Rudder Control  10.10.11 
Rudder Control General Arrangement  10.10.11 
Rudder Control System Operation  10.10.11 
Rudder Travel limiter  10.10.12 
Rudder Surface Position Indication  10.10.13 
Rudder Trim  10.10.13 
Rudder Control Schematic  10.10.15 
Elevator Control  10.10.16 
Elevator Control General Arrangement  10.10.16 
Elevator Control System  10.10.16 
Elevator Control System Operation  10.10.16 
Elevator Surface Position Indication  10.10.17 
Elevator Control Schematic  10.10.18 
Stabilizer Trim  10.10.19 
Pitch Trim Input  10.10.19 
Stabilizer Actuator Assembly  10.10.19 
Pitch Trim Schematic  10.10.20 

Rev 2A, Apr 11, 2005 Flight Crew Operating Manual Volume 2


DESCRIPTION Stabilizer Trim Control Switches 10.10.21 Manual Pitch Trim 10.10.21 Mach Trim 10.10.22 Automatic Pitch Trim 10.10.22 Pitch Trim Schematic 10.10.23 Stabilizer Trim Control Switches 10.10.23 Pitch Trim Modes of Operation 10.10.23 Stabilizer Trim Display 10.10.23 Stabilizer In Motion Aural Warning 10.10.24 SPLRS/STAB In Test 10.10.25
Flight Control Invalid Data Displays 10.10.26 Flight Control Primary Page 10.10.26 Primary/Secondary Flight Control EICAS Messages 10.10.27 Slat/Flap Control System 10.10.29 Slat/Flap System Schematic 10.10.29
Slat Control System 10.10.30 Slat System Schematic 10.10.30 Slat Position and Surface Indications 10.10.31
Flap Control System 10.10.32 Flap System Schematic 10.10.32 Flap Position and Surface Indications 10.10.33
Slat/Flap Control Lever 10.10.34 Flap Override Switch 10.10.34 Flight Control Synoptic Display 10.10.35 Slat/Flap Primary EICAS Display 10.10.35 Slat/Flap Operation 10.10.37 Slat/Flaps Schematic 10.10.37 Flap/Slat/Gear Extension Speed Bugs 10.10.38 Slat/Flap EICAS Messages 10.10.39 Spoiler System 10.10.40 Spoiler Synoptic Display 10.10.41 Spoiler Primary EICAS Display 10.10.42 Flight Spoiler Control Lever 10.10.43 GND Lift Dumping/Autobrake Control Panel 10.10.43 Spoiler Functions 10.10.44 SPLRS/STAB In Test 10.10.44 Roll Spoiler Priority 10.10.45
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本文链接地址:庞巴迪环球5000公务机机组操作手册 Bombardier Global-飞行操纵
