
庞巴迪挑战者300公务机机组操作手册 Bombardier Challenger-导航(7)

时间:2011-11-16 11:58来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机
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Normally, the MFD provides the master tuning control. However, if the MFD fails or is reverted to a compressed PRF for-mat, radio tuning through that MFD is no longer available. Tuning reversion allows the pilot to select either the MFD or the CDU as the master tuning control. When the TUNE knob on the Reversion Selection Panel is set to MFD ONLY or when the TUNE knob is set to CDU ONLY, the CDUs ignore tuning commands from the MFDs and the MFD radio menu is blanked. When the TUNE knob is in the COM 1 121.50 position, tuning is as normal (MFD is the master tuning control), but the COM 1 radio is forced to the emergency 121.50.
1.  Turn the TUNE knob on the REVERSION panel to the desired position. -The MFD ONLY position selects the MFDs as the only tuning control -The CDU ONLY position selects the CDUs as the only tuning control -The COM 121.50 position forces the COM1 radio to 121.50, but remains the MFD as the master tuner
The CDU provides tuning control of both the on-side and cross-side radios. Data entry to the CDU is made through the scratchpad and the line select keys. Information is entered on the scratchpad, then transferred to the appropriate location with the adjacent line select key. Warning messages show if the information entered is not appropriate for the data field. Access to CDU tuning is via the TUNE page.
To tune the radio using the CDU execute the following steps:
Push the TUN key on the CDU to show the TUNE page.

To tune a radio directly, do one of the following steps: -Enter the frequency into the scratchpad, then push the line select key for the appropriate radio -Enter a preset channel number (1 through 20) into the scratchpad, then push the line select key for

the appropriate radio -NAV radios only: Enter the three letter identifier for the NAVAID, then push the line select key for the appropriate radio (NAV 1 or NAV 2)

To show the CONTROL page for a particular radio (to set presets, select modes, etc.), push the line select key for the radio when the scratchpad is empty.

To return to the TUNE page from a CONTROL page, push the line select key for the radio or push the TUN key.

Sep 13/2004 Flight Crew Operating Manual Volume 2 REV 1 CSP 100-6

The DME-4000 is a remote mounted, three channel unit designed to provide position navigation information, including distance. In the single DME configuration, channel 1 can be tuned by the pilot, channel 2 by the copilot. Channel 3 is used by the FMS. In the optional dual DME configuration, each pilot has control over channel 1 of the onside DME, while channels 2 and 3 of each DME are used by the onside FMS.
The DME measures line-of-sight distance between the aircraft and selected DME ground stations, calculating the rate of closure and time to reach the selected station.
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