
庞巴迪挑战者605公务机机组操作手册 CL605-CHAPTER 17 -导航系统 NAVIGATION SYSTEMS(10)

时间:2011-10-31 11:53来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机
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Lower gain settings are useful for evaluating intense weather targets, while higher gain settings are useful for evaluating light precipitation.

Weather Radar Automatic Stabilization
The stabilization feature automatically stabilizes the radar antenna with attitude input data from the IRS system. This provides a constant antenna scan attitude regardless of the aircraft pitch and roll attitudes.
If an IRS input failure occurs, the attitude input data is removed from the antenna, however, the radar system remains operational. On the radar status line, a yellow USTB annunciation flashes for 5 seconds, then remains displayed.
When USTB is displayed and the tilt angle is changed, the USTB will be replaced by the tilt annunciation. The tilt annunciation remains displayed for 5 seconds after the tilt setting has stopped changing, and then reverts to the USTB annunciation.

Lightning Detection System (LDS) (Optional)
The lightning detection system maps electrical discharge activity (lightning) 360 degrees around the aircraft, to a distance of 100 nautical miles. Three levels of electrical activity intensity are identified. Level one represents the lowest rate of electrical discharge, and level three the highest.
The system transmits the location of up to 63 thunderstorm cells to the displays. The data set is updated every two seconds. Electrical discharge activity is presented as thunderbolts on the display in yellow, red, and magenta, with yellow signifying level one, and magenta signifying level three activity.
The lightning detection system is selected by the TR/WX button on the display control panel (DCP) or cursor control panel (CCP).

 NAVIGATION SYSTEMS Description  Vol. 2  17.10.14 
Oct 05/06 


When no radar operating mode is being received by the PFD or MFD from the RTA, the WX FAIL annunciation flashes for 5 seconds, then remains displayed on the navigation display, and the radar mode is removed.
When the weather radar system detects an internal fault, the WX FAULT annunciation flashes for 5 seconds, and then remains displayed to replace the Tilt/Stabilization annunciation on the radar status line 2.
When the LDS is selected for display and is reporting a fault, the LX FAIL annunciation flashes for 5 seconds, then remains displayed on the navigation display, and the lightning icons are removed.

Overlay Fault Field
The overlay fault field is a single line of text, located above the PFD and MFD navigation display.


The annunciation flashes for 5 seconds, then remains displayed to indicate that the radar is transmitting on the ground.
The annunciation is displayed when the radar range and the on-side navigation display range differ for more than 5 seconds. XXX represents the actual range the radar is currently reporting
(i.e. 10, 25, etc.).
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