
庞巴迪挑战者605公务机机组操作手册 CL605-CHAPTER 17 -导航系统 NAVIGATION SYSTEMS(5)

时间:2011-10-31 11:53来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者
If GPS position is available, the IRSs will start aligning automatically using GPS position. No crew action is required. If GPS is not available, initial position (LAT/LONG) must be entered manually in the POS INIT page of the FMS CDU.
During IRS initialization on ground, the IRS ALIGNING/DO NOT TAXI message appears on the PFDs. The aircraft should be stationary. Excessive aircraft movement may extend the time needed to successfully align the IRS.

 NAVIGATION SYSTEMS Description  Vol. 2  17.10.2 
Oct 05/06 

After successful alignment, the message on the PFD is removed, and the IRS automatically sequences into navigation mode.
IRS Standard Alignment Time


In-Flight Alignment
If a power interruption or a transient system fault occurs in-flight, and a GPS signal is valid, the IRS system will have the capability for re-alignment. During in-flight re-alignment, the IRS ALIGNING message appears on the PFDs.
The FMS will prompt the crew with the SET IRS HDG amber message on the FMS CDU scratchpad (required for FMS navigation – IRS will align without this action). If the crew enters a heading, the IRS will work as a DG until it transitions to the ATT mode, at which point it starts calculating its own HDG.
Typically, the time required for a full alignment in navigation mode is between 10 to 20 minutes. At the beginning of the alignment process, it is recommended that the aircraft maintain a straight and level flight attitude (see Note 1).

Aircraft maneuvers involving changes in heading increase the alignment time.

The alignment time increases as a function of latitude, with the minimum time occurring at the equator, and the maximum time occurring at the poles.


 NAVIGATION SYSTEMS Description  Vol. 2  17.10.3 
Oct 05/06 

PFD IRS Aligning Annunciations
Figure 17.10.1


IRS Reversionary Function (Dual IRS Configuration)
When NORM is selected, the pilot and copilot electronic flight displays receive data from their individual onside IRS.
When 1 is selected, the pilot and copilot electronic flight displays receive data from IRS 1 only. A yellow source message is displayed on the PFD and/or MFD.
When 2 is selected, the pilot and copilot electronic flight displays receive data from IRS 2 only. A yellow source message is displayed on the PFD and/or MFD.

IRS Reversionary Annunciation (Dual IRS Configuration)
Figure 17.10.2


 NAVIGATION SYSTEMS Description  Vol. 2  17.10.4 
Oct 05/06 

IRS Reversionary Function (Triple IRS Configuration)
An optional third IRS may be installed to supply an auxiliary source of inertial data, to increase dispatch and enroute reliability. Thus, an alternate sensor reversion panel (IRS/FMS reversionary panel) is also installed in the center pedestal.
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