
庞巴迪挑战者605公务机机组操作手册 CL605-CHAPTER 17 -导航系统 NAVIGATION SYSTEMS(17)

时间:2011-10-31 11:53来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机
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Display Control Panel. Terrain Button
Figure 17.10.28


 NAVIGATION SYSTEMS Description  Vol. 2  17.10.28 
Oct 05/06 

PFD/MFD Terrain Awareness Display Figure 17.10.29
Navigation must not be predicated upon the use of the terrain awareness display.
If a terrain display fault condition is present when the terrain is being displayed, one of the following yellow messages will be presented in the bottom right corner of the PFD and MFD (i.e., in the weather radar fault message field): “TERRAIN FAIL”, “TERRAIN CONTROL FAULT”, “TERRAIN NOT AVAIL”. All terrain messages, except the normal condition “TERRAIN”, flash for 10 seconds when they are posted.

Terrain/Obstacle Awareness Caution Alert
If the aircraft penetrates the caution envelope boundary, the aural message “CAUTION TERRAIN” or “CAUTION OBSTACLE” is generated, and the amber GND PROX message flashes. Simultaneously, terrain/obstacle areas which conflict with the caution criteria are shown in solid yellow color on the terrain awareness display.
The caution alert is typically given 60 seconds ahead of a terrain/obstacle conflict.

 NAVIGATION SYSTEMS Description  Vol. 2  17.10.29 
Oct 05/06 

Terrain/Obstacle Awareness Caution Alert Figure 17.10.30

Terrain/Obstacle Awareness Warning Alert
If the aircraft penetrates the warning envelope boundary, the aural message “TERRAIN TERRAIN, PULL UP” or “OBSTACLE, OBSTACLE, PULL UP” is generated, and the red “PULL UP” message flashes. Simultaneously, terrain/obstacle areas which conflict with the warning criteria are shown in solid red color on the terrain awareness display.
The warning alert is typically given 30 seconds ahead of a terrain/obstacle conflict.

Terrain/Obstacle Awareness Warning Alert Figure 17.10.31

The TAWS WARNING panel is installed on the center pedestal, below the landing gear handle. The panel has three switch/lights and one TEST toggle switch.
The GS switch/light inhibits Mode 5, glideslope alert.
The FLAPS switch/light inhibits Mode 4B, flaps not in landing configuration with gear extended alert.

 NAVIGATION SYSTEMS Description  Vol. 2  17.10.30 
Oct 05/06 

The TERRAIN switch/light inhibits the TCF and TAAD terrain functions. Modes 1 to 7 remain operational.
The TEST toggle switch initiates the TAWS self-test when on ground (TAWS self-test is inhibited in flight).
If the terrain is selected for display while the terrain functions have been inhibited by the crew, a cyan “TERRAIN OFF” message replaces the “TERRAIN” message in the bottom right corner of the PFD or MFD, and the TERRAIN switch/light illuminates white.
The TAWS WARNING panel TERRAIN switchlight should be selected before flight if the airport is not in the TAWS database, or if GPS is not available during QFE operations.
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