
庞巴迪挑战者605公务机机组操作手册 CL605-CHAPTER 17 -导航系统 NAVIGATION SYSTEMS(27)

时间:2011-10-31 11:53来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机
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The second TUNE page, accessed by selection of the NEXT function key, includes a line key for entering the aircraft FLIGHT ID. The FLIGHT ID is first entered on the scratchpad, then transferred to the FLIGHT ID line by the line key adjacent to the ID space.

 NAVIGATION SYSTEMS Description  Vol. 2  17.10.58 
Oct 05/06 

CDU TUNE Pages 1 and 2
Figure 17.10.58


 NAVIGATION SYSTEMS Description  Vol. 2  17.10.59 
Oct 05/06 

The ATC/TCAS CONTROL page is accessed from the TUNE page by selection of the line key adjacent to the ATC title. The ATC/TCAS CONTROL page includes six line keys, which provide input to the ATC system as follows:
ATC 1 (2) – Used to set the active ATC code (similar to TUNE page). RPLY annunciation, shown in cyan next to ATC code, indicates ATC is responding to an interrogation.

IDENT – Used to select the squawk ident function of the active transponder.

SELECT – Used to select the active ATC transceiver (ATC 1 or ATC 2).

FLIGHT ID – Used to set the active flight identification (similar to TUNE page).

STBY/TA/RA/ALT ON/ALT OFF – Used for mode selection (similar to TUNE page). ATC is functional in all modes except for STBY. Altitude reporting of ATC is off when ALT OFF is selected.

TEST – Enables a simultaneous test of both the ATC and TCAS systems. The ATC transponder test is an internal functional test. When active, the TEST text enlarges for approximately 10 seconds.

The page also indicates which ADC source is being used by the ATC. The source ADC is indicated in cyan next to the IDENT text. In keeping with RVSM requirements, the flight director/autopilot and ATC transponder must use the same pressure altitude source. Should the crew select a flight control computer (FCC) transfer (XFR) from the flight control panel (FCP), the ATC automatically switches ADCs in order to use the same altitude source as the active FCC.

 NAVIGATION SYSTEMS Description  Vol. 2  17.10.60 
Oct 05/06 

Figure 17.10.59


 NAVIGATION SYSTEMS Description  Vol. 2  17.10.61 
Oct 05/06 

ATC Transponder Control – MFD Tuning Block
ATC control may also be carried out from the MFD tuning window. The top level TCAS/ATC 1
(2) menu of the MFD tune display includes selections for the active ATC code, mode selection, and altitude limits selection (TCAS only). A combined ATC/TCAS submenu is also available, providing similar functions as found on the CDU ATC/TCAS control page.
The cursor control panel includes several buttons providing input to the ATC system, and controlling the focus indicator on the MFD tuning window.
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本文链接地址:庞巴迪挑战者605公务机机组操作手册 CL605-CHAPTER 17 -导航系统 NAVIGATION SYSTEMS(27)
