
庞巴迪环球5000公务机机组操作手册 Bombardier Global-空调和增压(8)

时间:2011-11-03 11:56来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机
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N2  High Pressure Rotor RPM 
NAV  Navigation 
ND  Nose Down, Navigation 
NDB (ADF)  Nondirectional Beacon 
(Automatic Direction Finder) 
NEG  Negative 
NEUT  Neutral 
OAT  Outside Air Temperature 
OB/OUTBD  Outboard 
OBS  Observer 
OEI  One Engine Inoperative 
OEW  Operating Empty Weight 
OH, OVHD  Overhead 
OK  Okay 
OM  Outer Marker 
P#6  Panel 6 
P/S  Pitot/Static 
PA  Passenger Address 
PASS  Passenger 
PBE  Portable Breathing 
Equipment (Smoke Hood) 
PCU  Power Control Unit 
PFD  Primary Flight Display 
PLA  Power Lever Angle 
PLT(s)  Pilot(s) 
PNLS(s)  Panel(s) 
PO  Outside Air Pressure 
POS  Position 
PPH  Pounds Per Hour 
PRESS  Pressure, Pressurization 

NL  Nose Left 
NLG  Nose Landing Gear 
NM  Nautical Mile(s) 
No.  Number 
NOPT  No Procedure Turn Required 
NORM  Normal 
NOSE, N/W  Nose Wheel 
NR  Nose Right 
NU  Nose Up 

OVBD  Overboard 
OVHT, OH  Overheat 
OVLD  Overload 
OVSP  Overspeed 
OVSPD  Overspeed 
OVTEMP  Over Temperature 
OXY, O2  Oxygen 

PRI/PRIM  Primary 
PROC  Procedure 
PROT  Protection 
PROX  Proximity 
PRV  Bleed Pressure Regulating 
and Shut-off Valve 
PSI  Pounds Per Square Inch 
PSID  Pounds Per Square Inch 
PSIG  Pounds Per Square Inch 
PSU  Passenger Service Unit 
PTCT  Protect 
PTT  Push To Talk 
PWR  Power 

Volume 2 Flight Crew Operating Manual Rev 2A, Apr 11, 2005

QAR Quick Access Recorder QEC Quick Engine Change QFE Local Station Pressure
R Right RA Radio Altitude RA Resolution Advisory (TCAS) RAT Ram Air Turbine RAT GEN Ram Air Turbine Generator RATLC Ram Air Turbine Line
Contactor RADALT Radio Altimeter RCCB Remote Controlled Circuit
Breaker RCDR Recorder RCVR Receiver R/D Refuel/Defuel RDCP Refuel/Defuel Control Panel RDR Radar REC Receiver, Recorder RECIRC Recirculation RECOG Recognition REF(s) Reference(s)
S Status SAT Static Air Temperature SBY, STBY Standby SCAV Scavenge SCV Surge Control Valve SCR Selector (Nav source) SEC Second, Secondary SEL Select, Selector SELCAL Selected Call SENS Sensitivity, Sensor SERV, SVCE Service SFCU Slats and Flaps Control Unit
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公务机翻译 www.aviation.cn
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