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European Aviation Safety Agency TYPE-CERTIFICATE DATA SHEET CL-600(10)

时间:2011-11-18 14:33来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机

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Maintenance Requirement Manual (MRM) Part II:  CSP B-053 
Structural Repair Manual (SRM):  CSP B-008 
Non-Destructive Testing Manual (NDT)  CSP B-010 

20. Notes
JAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual: The airplane must be operated according to the appropriate JAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual.

All placards must be installed in accordance with Drawings BA670-47501, BA670-47506 and BA670-47800 or BA670-47537, BA670-47510 and BA670-47801. Self illuminated and electrical signs must be installed in accordance with BA670-47802 and BA670-47803 or BA670-47805.

Drawings noted above are for basic type certification only. For as-delivered aircraft configurations, refer to customer options listed in RAL-670-300.

JAA approved Airworthiness limitations for mandatory compliance retirement life or inspection and Certification Maintenance Requirements (CMRs) are found in the Maintenance Requirements Manual, CSP B-053 -Part II.

The effectivity range for the CL-600-2C10 is 10002 & subsequent which includes the 700/ 701 and 702.

The Special Condition (i.e. CRI H-1000-01) that introduces requirements for EWIS-ICA’s makes CS-25 Appendix H paragraph H 25.5 and AMC Appendix H 25.5 paragraphs 1 and 6 applicable to the certification basis (note, BA demonstration of compliance against 14 CFR Part 26 requirements constitutes compliance with the EASA regulations related to EWIS).

SECTION 4: CL-600-2D15 (Regional Jet Series 705)

I. General
1.  Aeroplane: Regional Jet Series 705

II. Certification Basis
Reference Application Date for TCCA Certification: 03 Dec 2004

TCCA Certification Date: 03 May 2005

EASA (JAA) Validation Application Date: 11 February 2005

EASA Certification Date 03 November 2005

TCCA Certification Basis:
Refer to TCCA Type Certificate Data Sheet No: A-131

EASA Certification Basis:

JAA Airworthiness Requirements:
JAR 25 Large Aeroplanes, Change 14, 27 May 1994
Amendment (OP) 96/1, 19 April 1996

Note: This includes the optional requirements of JAR 25.1419, Ice Protection and JAR 25.801, Ditching Provisions.
Reversions: None requested
JAR AWO at Change 2
JAA Special Conditions:
Novel Design Features: None.
Unconventional Use: None.

The following CL600-2C10 Special Conditions are also applicable to the
INT/POL/25/2 HIRF Protection (CRI D-17)
INT/POL/25/3 Lightning Strike Protection, Direct Effects (CRI D-15)
INT/POL/25/4 Lightning Strike Protection, Indirect Effects (CRI D-16)
INT/POL/25/8 Yawing Manoeuvring Conditions (CRI C-3)
INT/POL/25/9 Fuel Tank Crashworthiness (CRI C-5)
SC H-1 Enhanced Airworthiness Programme for Aeroplane System –
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