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European Aviation Safety Agency TYPE-CERTIFICATE DATA SHEET CL-600(15)

时间:2011-11-18 14:33来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机

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曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

EASA Certification Basis:

JAA Airworthiness Requirements:
JAR 25 Large Aeroplanes, Change 14, 27 May 1994
Amendment (OP) 96/1, 19 April 1996

Note: This includes the optional requirements of JAR 25.1419, Ice Protection and JAR 25.801, Ditching Provisions.
Reversions : None requested
JAR AWO at Change 2
JAA Special Conditions:
Novel Design Features: None.
Unconventional Use: None.

The following CL600-2C10 Special Conditions are also applicable to the

INT/POL/25/2 HIRF Protection (CRI D-17)
INT/POL/25/3 Lightning Strike Protection, Direct Effects (CRI D-15)
INT/POL/25/4 Lightning Strike Protection, Indirect Effects (CRI D-16)
INT/POL/25/8 Yawing Manoeuvring Conditions (CRI C-3)
INT/POL/25/9 Fuel Tank Crashworthiness (CRI C-5)
SC H-1 Enhanced Airworthiness Programme for Aeroplane System –

ICA on EWIS (ref. CRI H-1000-01) – see note 6
The following Special Conditions are specific to the CL600-2D24:
INT/POL/25/5  Accelerate-Stop Distances and Related Performances
(CRI B-900-03) INT/POL/25/6 Worn Brakes (CRI D-900-01) INT/POL/25/12 Fuel Tank Safety-Ignition Prevention (CRI E-900-04) INT/POL/25/13 Towbarless Towing (CRI C-900-06)
JAA Exemptions:
The following Temporary Exemption has been accepted for the CL-600-2D24 as it was for the CL-600-2C10 (CRI F-01).
JAR 25.1441 and 25.1447 Oxygen System Requirements (CRI F-900-01)
JAA Equivalent Safety Findings:
The following Equivalent Safety Findings (ESF) were agreed for the CL600-2C10 and
are applicable to the CL600-2D24:

JAR 25.677(b) Trim Indication (CRI D-5)
JAR 25.783(f) Baggage and Avionics Compartment Door (CRI D-2)
JAR 25.811(d)(2) Main Door Exit Markings Sign (CRI D-3)
JAR 25.813(c)(1) Emergency Exit Access (CRI D-4)
JAR 25B.991(b) Emergency Fuel Pumps (CRI J-1)
JAR 25.1435(b)(1) Hydraulic Systems (CRI F-15)
NPA 25C-236 Vibration, Buffet and Aeroelastic Stability (CRI C-6)

(Identical to FAR 25 Amendment 77)
The following ESF have been agreed for the CL600-2D24:-
JAR 25.341 Continuous Turbulence (CRI C-900-07)
JAR 25.361(b) Engine and APU Load Conditions (CRI C-900-09)
JAR 25.307 Proof of Structure (CRI C-900-11)
JAR 25.1181(a)(b) Designated Fire Zones (CRI E-900-02)

JAA Elect to Comply Standards:
The following CL600-2C10 Elect to Comply standards are applicable to the CL600-2D24:
NPA 25B-215 Stall, Stall Warning Speeds and Manoeuvre Capability (CRI B-1) (Identical to FAR 25 NPRM 95-17) NPA 25C-282 Discrete Gust Load Design Requirements (CRI C-12) (Identical to FAR 25 Amendment 86) NPA 25C-276 Braked Roll Conditions (CRI C-13) (Identical to FAR 25 Amendment 97)
Bombardier have elected to comply with the following standards specifically for the CL600-2D24:
NPA 25D-285  Allowable Carbon Dioxide Concentration in Aeroplane Cabins and Cabin Ozone Concentration (CRI D-900-02)
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