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曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者
Chapter 2, Amendment 4.
Noise: ICAO Annex 16, Volume I, Part II, Chapter 4,Amendment 8.
III. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations
The CL-600-2E25 (Regional Jet Series 1000), manufactured by Bombardier Aerospace, is a nominal 104 passenger, six crewmember, twin turbofan passenger aircraft, developed from the CL-600-2D24/2D15 Regional Jet Aircraft.
The aircraft is certified for maximum altitude of 41,000 feet and maximum design airspeed of Mach 0.84. The airframe is a monocoque design, using lightweight aluminum alloys, alloy steels, stainless steels, titanium and composite materials. It has a low, high swept wing, T-tail with trimmable horizontal stabilizer and tricycle landing gear.
EASA Type Design Definition
EASA Definition of Type design contained in document, RAZ-BA698-018.
Two General Electric CF34-8C5 or optionals CF34-8C5A1 and CF34-8C5A2 Turbofan
Engines, with reverse thrust capability, are rear fuselage mounted on pylons.
Appropriate National Authority Type Certificate or FAA Engine Type Certificate No.
E00063EN Revision 2 or later, and associated Type Certificate
Data Sheet.
Engine Limits:
Refer to the Airplane Flight Manual (CSP D-012).
3. Fuel
Canada USA UK China CIS NATO
CGSB-3.23 ASTM D1655 JET A
ASTM D1655 JET A-1 Def Stan 91-91 GB6537-94 No. 3 Jet RT F-35
CGSB-3.24 MIL-DTL-83133 JP-8 Def Stan 91-87 F-34
MIL-DTL-5624 JP-5 Def Stan 91-86 F-44
Note: Fuel additives -See AFM as listed in Approved Publications.
For additional approved fuel grades see AFM.
For fuel temperature limitations see applicable AFM.
Fuel Capacity:
Load Weight
Usable U.S. Gal. Litres lb. kg
2 main tanks (each) 1,114 4,217 7,517 3,410
1 Center Tank 710 2,688 4,795 2,175
Total 2,937 11,117 19,828 8,994
Load Weight
U.S. Gal. Litres lb. kg
Unusable 37.5 141.9 252.8 114.6
Undrainable 13.1 49.6 88.3 40.1
Oil Oil: Engine, APU: MIL-L-7808 (Type I) or MIL-L-23699 (Type II) or Castrol 4000 Mixing of different types of oils is prohibited. Oil Capacity:
Air Speeds
Centre of Gravity Range See AFM, CSP D-012. Datum: FS 0.0 located at 365.76cm (144.00 inches) forward of the aircraft nose Mean Aerodynamic Cord (MAC):
Load Weight
Usable U.S. Quart Litres lb. kg.
2 Engines (each) 11 10.4 22.5 10.2
本文链接地址:European Aviation Safety Agency TYPE-CERTIFICATE DATA SHEET CL-600(20)