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European Aviation Safety Agency TYPE-CERTIFICATE DATA SHEET CL-600(17)

时间:2011-11-18 14:33来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机

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曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者
Undrainable  2.0  7.6  13.5  6.1 

Oil Oil: Engine, APU: MIL-L-7808 (Type I) or MIL-L-23699 (Type II) or Castrol 4000

Mixing of different types of oils is prohibited.
Oil Capacity:

Air Speeds:

Centre of Gravity Range See AFM, CSP C-012. Datum: FS 0.0 located at 365.76cm (144.00 inches) forward of the aircraft nose Mean Aerodynamic Cord (MAC):

Load  Weight 
Usable  U.S. Quart  Litres  lb.  kg. 
2 Engines (each)  7.2  6.8  14.6  6.6 
Total  14.4  13.6  29.2  13.2 

Airspeed Limits (IAS)  Knots Mach VMO and MMO (Maximum Operating) Below 8000 feet 330* * *See AFM (CSP B-012) for variations of VMO and MMO at or above 8000 ft 
VFE (Flaps extended) 1° 8° 20° 30° 45° 230 230 220 185 170 
VA (Manoeuvring) (Refer to Flight Manual for variations of VA with altitude and aircraft weight) 
VLO (Landing Gear Operating) Extending Retracting 220 200 
VLE (Landing Gear Extended) 220 

Max. tyre ground speeds:  m.p.h.  knots 
Nose Gear Tyre  225  195 
Main Gear Tyre  225  195 

3.38 m (133.18 in.) (MAC leading edge at fuselage station 21.161 m (833.1 in.)
Leveling Means:
The aircraft is leveled in the longitudinal and lateral axis by the means of a plumb bob
and target plate located at fuselage station 2910.2cm (1146.75 inches).

7.  Maximum Certified Weights kg (lbs)
Type Spec  Option <2004>  Option <2005> 
Max. Taxi and ramp  36,628 kg (80,750 lb.)  37,535 kg (82,750 lb.)  38,555 kg (85,000 lb.) 
Max. Take-off  36,514 kg (80,500 lb.)  37,421 kg (82,500 lb.)  38,329 kg (84,500 lb.) 
Max. Landing  33,339 kg (73,500 lb.)  33,339 kg (73,500 lb.)  34,065 kg (75,100 lb.) 
Max. Zero fuel  31,751 kg (70,000 lb.)  31,751 kg (70,000 lb.)  32,092 kg (70,750 lb.) 

NOTE: See AFM (CSP C-012) for other weight limitations and aircraft eligibility.
Minimum Flight Crew Two: Pilot and Co-pilot

Maximum Seating Capacity Maximum Passenger Seating Capacity: Series 900 – 90 or less passengers

Cargo compartment loading

Environmental Flight Envelope Refer to approved Airplane Flight Manual.

Other Limitations Refer to approved Airplane Flight Manual.

Auxiliary Power Unit (APU)

Class  Volume (m3)  Max. Allowable Load (Kg) 
C  12.39  1985 
C  4.42  772 

Allied Signal RE-220 RJ.
Approved to TSO C-77A and JAR-APU Change 2
Appropriate National Authority Type Certificate and TCDS.
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本文链接地址:European Aviation Safety Agency TYPE-CERTIFICATE DATA SHEET CL-600(17)
