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曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者
d) Compliance with the following optional requirements has been established: Ditching provisions of FAR 25.801 Ice Protection of FAR 25.1419
e) Special Conditions:
CL-600-2A12, -2B16, (only):
DOT Special Condition on stalls contained in DOT letter to Canadair Ltd. 5010-10-377 (ABP/A) dated 25 October 1982.
DOT Special Conditions on Automatic Take-off Thrust Control System contained
in DOT letter to Canadair Ltd. 5010-10-377 (ABP/A) dated 8 November 1982.
CL-600-1A11, (only):
Adopted FAA Special Conditions Number 25-94-EA-12 (Docket number 16921)
for the Canadair CL-600 airplane.
CL-600-2A12, -2B16:
FAA Special Condition 25-ANM-1, Issued in Federal Register 14 CFR Part 21
Docket NM-1 on March 24, 1983
f) Additional FAA Requirements
CL-600-1A11, -2A12, -2B16:
FAR Part 36 dated December 1, 1969, as amended through Amendment 36-9.
SFAR 27 dated February 1, 1974 as amended through Amendment SFAR 27-2.
g) Additional Airworthiness Requirements
CL-600-2B16 (601-3A) (First Edition) Chapter 3, ICAO Annex 16, Vol I, Aircraft Noise CL-600-2B16 (601-3R) Airworthiness Manual, Chapter 516, Aircraft Noise at Change 516-03 and amendment 3 to Chapter 3, ICAO Annex 16, Vol I, Aircraft Noise 5.2 Model CL-600-2B16 (604 Variant)
a) FAR Part 25 dated February 1, 1965, including Amendment 25-1 through 25-78 except for the following:
FAR Part 25 at Amendment 25-37 for paragraphs 149, 365, 561, 625, 701, 727, 783 (except 783(f)), 785 (except 785 (g)), 789, 791, 801,803, 807, 809, 811, 812, 813, 831, 853, 855, 857, 1307, 1359, 1415, 1419
FAR Part 25 at Amendment 25-37 for existing installation and Amendment 25-78 for new installation for paragraph 963, 965, 994, 997 and 1438 FAR Part 25 at Amendment 25-38 for paragraphs 787 and 1439 FAR Part 25 at Amendment 25-40 for paragraph 25.973 FAR Part 25 at Amendment 25-42 for paragraph 25.109 (as amended by TC Issue Paper F2) FAR Part 25 at Amendment 25-44 for paragraph 25.1413 FAR Part 25 at Amendment 25-54 for paragraph 851
b) DOT Airworthiness Requirements contained in DOT letter to Canadair Limited, 5010-10-377 (ABP/A), 25 October 1982, except paragraph 5.
c) Equivalent safety has been established for the following requirements: FAR 25.955 (a)(4), Fuel Flow FAR 25.103, .107, Reduced Operating Speed Factors 119, .121, 125, .143, (TC Issue Paper F-1) (TC Issue Paper F-1) and 207.
d) Compliance with the following requirements has been established: FAR 25.801 Ditching Provisions FAR 25.1419 Ice Protection
e) Special Conditions:
94-2 High Intensity Radiated Fields (HIRF)
94-3 Lightning Protection
2007-01 Steep Approach and Landing Capability
f) New FAR Part 25 requirements 562, 810, 819, 832, 858, 869, (a) & (b), 1421, 1423 and 1450 are not part of the certification basis
g) Airworthiness Manual, Chapter 516, Aircraft Noise and Emission at change 516-04 and ICAO Annex 16, Vol I, Chapter 3 at Amendment 4
本文链接地址:European Aviation Safety Agency TYPE-CERTIFICATE DATA SHEET CL-600(24)