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European Aviation Safety Agency TYPE-CERTIFICATE DATA SHEET CL-600(2)

时间:2011-11-18 14:33来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机

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曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者
CL-600-2B19  Regional Jet 440  -
CL-600-2C10  Regional Jet 700  -
CL-600-2C10  Regional Jet 701  -
CL-600-2C10  Regional Jet 702  -
CL-600-2D24  Regional Jet 900  -
CL-600-2D15  Regional Jet 705  -
CL-600-2E25  Regional Jet 1000 

SECTION 2: CL-600-2B19 (Regional Jet Series 100) See note 5

I. General
1.  Aeroplane: Regional Jet Series 100

II. Certification Basis
Reference Application Date for TCCA Certification: 28 March 1988

TCCA Certification Date: 31 July 1992

EASA (JAA) Validation Application Date: 27 June 1989

EASA Certification Date: 15 January 1993
(Date of first TC issuance within EU MS by LBA Germany)

TCCA Certification Basis:

Refer to TCCA Type Certificate Data Sheet No: A-131

EASA Certification Basis:

JAA Airworthiness Requirements:
JAR 25 Large Aeroplanes, Change 13, 05 October 1989
Compliance with the following optional requirements has been established:
Ditching provisions of JAR 25.801 when the safety equipment requirements of JAR 25.1411 and the ditching equipment requirements of JAR 25.1415 are satisfied.
Ice Protection of JAR 25.1419
JAA Special Conditions:
SC C-10 Discrete Gust (ref. CRI C-10 and NPA 25C-205, issue Feb 1990)
SC D-2 Landing Gear Warning (ref. CRI D-2 and NPA 25D-162, Rev. 1)
SC D-3 Terminology “Resistant to Fire” (ref. CRI D-3 and NPA 25D-181, Rev. 3)
SC D-8 Cargo and Service Doors (ref. CRI D-8)
SC F-3 Effect of External Radiation upon Aircraft System (ref. CRI F-3)
SC F-4 Lightning Protection Indirect Effects (ref. CRI F-4)
SC F-8 Miscellaneous Electrical Requirements CRI F-9 and NPA 25D, F-191,
Rev. 2)
SC F-9 Electrical Standby Power (ref. CRI F-9 and NPA 25F-179, Rev. 4)
SC H-1 Enhanced Airworthiness Programme for Aeroplane System –

ICA on EWIS (ref. CRI H-1000-01) – see note 8
JAA Exemptions:
JAR 25.785(h) Location of Flight Attendant’s Seat (ref. CRI D-15)
JAR 25.562 (c)(5) Head Injury Criterion (ref. CRI C-19)
JAR 25.1441(a) Oxygen Requirements Cross-reference to National
JAR 25.1447(b) Operational Regulations (ref. CRI F-14)
JAR 25.1447(c)

JAA Equivalent Safety Findings:
JAR 25.783(f) Doors (ref. CRI D-12)
JAR 25.813(c)(1) Emergency Exit Access (ref. CRI D-13)
JAR 25.811(d)(2) Emergency Exit (ref. CRI D-14)
JAR 25.677(b) Trim Indication (ref. CRI D-7)
JAR 25.621 Critical Casting Factors (ref. CRI Post D-01)

JAA Elect to Comply Standards:
SC B-3  Accelerate Stop and Related Performance Matters
(ref CRI B-3 and NPA 25B, D, G-244, March 1992) SC B-4 Braking Performance (ref CRI B-4) SC C-11 Discrete Source Damage (ref CRI C-11 & NPA 25C-213) SC D-10 Flap Gates (ref. CRI D-10 and NPA 25B-238) SC K-1 All Weather Operations (ref. CRI K-1)
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