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European Aviation Safety Agency TYPE-CERTIFICATE DATA SHEET CL-600(6)

时间:2011-11-18 14:33来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机

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The Regional Jet Series 850 or the CRJ Special Edition “SE” are marketing designations for any CL-600-2B19 aircraft that is configured “green” and subsequently completed with an approved interior per note 6.

Major  modifications which define the aircraft as the “Green Configuration” are recorded in document RAZ-601R-109 (Definition of type design for JAA type certification).

The “Green Configuration” type design does not include passenger provisions. Carriage of persons in the cabin is permitted when an approved seating arrangement and related required passenger provisions are incorporated in accordance with the Basis of Certification. Aircraft delivered in the “Green configuration” and with the right service door and left overwing exit door blocked, are limited to carrying a maximum of twenty-two (22) occupants including the crew and no more than 19 passengers in accordance to FAR/JAR 25 requirements. As also referenced in Note 5, RJ aircraft of this configuration may be identified as “Series 850” for marketing purposes.

The CL-600-2B19 effectivity range spans from A/C SN 7001 & subsequent which includes the 100, 200, 440 and Challenger 850.

The Special Condition (i.e. CRI H-1000-01) that introduces requirements for EWIS-ICA’s makes CS-25 Appendix H paragraph H 25.5 and AMC Appendix H 25.5 paragraphs 1 and 6 applicable to the certification basis (note, BA demonstration of compliance against 14 CFR Part 26 requirements constitutes compliance with the EASA regulations related to EWIS).


SECTION 3: Model CL-600-2C10 (Regional Jet Series 700/701/702)
I. General
1.  Aeroplane: Regional Jet Series

II. Certification Basis
Reference Application Date for TCCA Certification:  01 May 1996

TCCA Certification Date: 22 December 2000
(Series 700/701)
26 January 2005
(Series 702)

EASA (JAA) Validation Application Date: 01 May 1996
(Series 700/701)
12 January 2005
(Series 702)

EASA Certification Date: 29 January 2001
(Date of first TC issuance within EU MS (Series 700/701)
by ENAC Italy & DGAC France) 28 January 2005

(Series 702)

TCCA Certification Basis:

Refer to Transport Canada TCDS A-131

EASA Certification Basis:

JAA Airworthiness Requirements:
JAR 25 Large Aeroplanes, Change 14, 27 May 1994
Amendment (OP) 96/1, 19 April 1996

Note: This includes the optional requirements of JAR 25.1419, Ice Protection and JAR 25.801, Ditching Provisions.
Reversions: None requested
JAR AWO at change 2
JAA Special Conditions:
INT/POL/25/2 HIRF Protection (ref. CRI D-17)
INT/POL/25/3 Lightning Strike Protection, Direct Effects (ref. CRI D-15)
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