
庞巴迪环球5000公务机机组操作手册 Bombardier Global-导航(22)

时间:2011-11-11 09:40来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机
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Points to expected result of an action. Unexpected results may indicate incorrect key inputs.
Indicates that a series of key inputs are required. Push data keys from left to right, top to bottom.

Indicates where to look for expected result.

Locates the scratchpad display line on a figure.

Used to clear data from scratchpad.
For more information, refer to the Flight Management System Pilot’s Guide.
Function Keys
The seven function keys access primary functions, menus and paging.

Volume 2 Flight Crew Operating Manual Rev 2A, Apr 11, 2005
Function Keys (Cont’d)
The function keys are as follows:

(Performance) Key . Pushing the PERF function key displays page 1 of the performance index. Any functions can be selected by pushing the respective line select key. To view the next page of PERF INDEX push NEXT function key.

. (Navigation) Key . Pushing the NAV function key displays page 1 of the navigation index. Any functions can be selected by pushing the respective line select key. To view the next page of NAV INDEX push NEXT function key.


(Previous and Next) Paging Keys . The specific page and number of pages

in a particular function or menu display are shown in the upper right hand corner of the display. Page changes are made by pushing the PREV (previous) and NEXT keys. The keys can be held down for repeated page changing.
Rev 3, Apr 25, 2005 Flight Crew Operating Manual Volume 2
Function Keys (Cont’d)

(Flight Plan) Key . Pushing the FPL key displays the first page of the active flight plan, even if another page of the active flight plan is being displayed. If there is no flight plan entered, the pilot can manually create a flight plan, select a stored flight plan, load a flight plan from a disk and/or create a stored flight plan.

. (Progress) Key. Pushing the PROG key displays the current status of the flight. There are three progress pages that report progress along the flight plan. These pages summarize important flight parameters and the airplane’s relationship to the flight plan. The first progress page displays estimated time enroute (ETE), distance to and fuel projection for the TO waypoint and destination. It also displays the current NAV mode, the number of long range NAVs used and the navaids that are presently tuned for radio updating.

Volume 2 Flight Crew Operating Manual Rev 3, Apr 25, 2005

Function Keys (Cont’d)
.  The second progress page reflects changes based on inputs to the VNAV FMS function. The speed/altitude command (SPD/ALT CMD) reflects the current command of speed/altitude that the FMS is sending to the flight guidance computer. If there is no command, the line is titled but blank. The 1R line select displays the expected vertical speed when a path has been defined in VNAV.
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