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湾流宇航公司公司政策手册 Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation Corporate Policy Manual(2)

时间:2011-10-01 16:41来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者
The Gulfstream Legal department may also determine whether disclosure of the payment arrangement would eliminate the impropriety of the payment arrangement.  If there are any questions regarding proposed payment arrangements, contact the Gulfstream Legal department.
B.  Gifts, Gratuities, and Entertainment -- COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY
 Business Gifts Given by Gulfstream


Gulfstream competes solely on the merits of our products and services.  Gulfstream does not attempt to influence a customer’s decision to purchase from Gulfstream by offering gifts, meals, entertainment or any item of value.  This policy does not address every possible situation involving gifts, gratuities or entertainment.  It is important to consider the facts, circumstances and context of each situation on a case-by-case basis.  Any situations not addressed by the guidance provided in this policy or referenced materials should be carefully evaluated by consultation with the Gulfstream Ethics Officer who will consult with the Legal Department as necessary. 
A gift, or payment of business entertainment expenses, of whatever value, can represent prohibited conduct if provided with corrupt intent to obtain or retain business, and not merely as an unconditional gift with the generalized hope that a favorable business climate will exist.  Providing gifts intended as a quid pro quo, and providing frequent gifts to an official in exchange for a pattern of official actions benefiting the donor, would constitute corrupt intent. 
Gifts containing the Gulfstream logo procured through Gulfstream-authorized sources or commemorating a company-related event are always acceptable (See also Section C below).  Any other gift must be approved in advance by a Senior Vice President and comply with the following guidelines:
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本文链接地址:湾流宇航公司公司政策手册 Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation Corporate Policy Manual(2)
