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Business Conduct and Ethics
Policy No. CP-1-4
Effective Date: 12/18/08
To affirm the strong dedication of Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation ("Gulfstream") that its affairs be conducted in accordance with the highest standards of integrity in the United States and every other country where Gulfstream conducts business. This policy is intended to provide an overview of expected conduct by each employee and to state the policies of Gulfstream concerning its ethical values, principles and legal standards of conduct in daily business activities, and to provide guidelines intended to avoid any unlawful conduct and prevent any conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest.
We will conduct business in accordance with federal, state and local laws and regulations and with the laws of other countries in which Gulfstream operates. In the course of conducting company business, integrity must underlie all stakeholder relationships, including those relationships with our customers, suppliers, employees and communities. Gulfstream will procure and provide goods and services on the basis of price, quality, schedule and compatibility with the needs and requirements of the company, not on the basis of personal relationships, friendships, favors, or other obligations. Gulfstream employees and representatives must avoid any activity or behavior that places the company’s honesty, integrity or reputation in question or at risk. This policy also requires adherence to the principles published in the General Dynamics "Standards of Business Ethics and Conduct" (the "Blue Book").
Improper Payments
Employees and representatives of Gulfstream are prohibited from soliciting, accepting, offering, giving, negotiating or receiving bribes, kickbacks and other improper payments for themselves or other individuals or entities. No employee may enter into any arrangement to make a payment of any type, including commissions, rebates, consulting or service agreements, bribes and kickbacks, when the employee knows, or should suspect from the surrounding circumstances, that the intent or probable result is to improperly influence the recipient to make decisions or take action favorable to Gulfstream that may violate the recipient’s fiduciary duty.
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本文链接地址:湾流宇航公司公司政策手册 Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation Corporate Policy Manual