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湾流宇航公司公司政策手册 Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation Corporate Policy Manual(3)

时间:2011-10-01 16:41来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者
a) The gift should be provided as a courtesy or token of regard or esteem, or in return for hospitality.
 b) A gift of cash, cash equivalents or investment interests,  is prohibited.
c)  The gift should be permitted under the local laws of the foreign country and the policies and guidelines of the recipient’s employer.
d) The gift should be of a type or value that is unequivocally customary in the foreign country and appropriate for the occasion.
e)  The gift could not cause embarrassment to, or reflect negatively upon the reputation of, Gulfstream, the recipient, or the current or prospective customer.
f)  The gift should be of “nominal value,” generally not to exceed $250.
g)  The purchase of any gift item should be properly and accurately recorded as a “Promotional Expense - Material” or under “Marketing Programs” or “Trade Shows” if appropriate, on the company’s accounting books and records, including initial check or reimbursement requests.
 Gifts given solely because of a pre-existing personal friendship or familial relationship       and paid for with personal, not Company, funds, are not prohibited provided they do not create an actual or perceived conflict of interest.


2.     Business Entertainment Expenditures by Gulfstream
As with gifts, business entertainment expenditures provided as a quid pro quo to persuade the recipient to favor giving business to Gulfstream are prohibited.  Business entertainment expenditures should be reasonable and made only to create a positive business environment with the customer, with only a generalized hope or expectation of ultimate benefit to Gulfstream.      
Gulfstream employees should observe the following guidelines with respect to entertainment expenses:
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本文链接地址:湾流宇航公司公司政策手册 Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation Corporate Policy Manual(3)
