
庞巴迪环球5000公务机机组操作手册 Bombardier Global-飞行仪表(40)

时间:2011-11-10 10:29来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机
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Brightness Control
The HUD OFF/BRT control is used to control the overall projector brightness affecting symbology and image brightness, but not image contrast. The HUD OFF/BRT control and EVS OFF/MAX control interact in order to make it impossible to provide an EVS image that is brighter than the symbology brightness. This ensures that symbology is always available in various lighting conditions.
The EVS image brightness and contrast are controlled by a single contol knob (EVS OFF/MAX). The 12 O’clock position is the recommended EVS control seting for IMC operations. The EVS control position may be adjusted to obtain the optimum image in VMC conditions. Turning the EVS OFF/MAX control knob clockwise increases the IR image illumination. Turning the EVS OFF/MAX control knob counterclockwise decreases the IR image illumination.
Both EVS brightness and contrast affect only the video signal transmitted by the HUD computer to the HUD projector.
The EVS OFF/MAX control uses two independent brightness/contrast tables, one for night and one for day conditions. The HUD ambient light detector provides a voltage, based on sensor illumination, to the HUD computer to determine which table will be used. This operation is transparent to the pilot.
When the EVS is in normal mode the flight symbology overlays the video image. Except for the consolidation symbols which are displayed in raster and stroke all other symbology is displayed in raster format only.
Volume 2 Flight Crew Operating Manual Rev 7, Dec 01, 2005

Consolidation Symbol
Raster and stroke symbology are aligned to provide conformal flight essential symbols.
In order to ensure correct positioning of the raster symbology, two concentric diamond shaped symbols will appear after toggling the clear switch (NORM to CLR to NORM within 0.5 second). These consolidation symbols automatically clear after 5 seconds.
Alignment for conformal raster symbology is assured if the smaller stroke symbol is within the larger raster symbol, both being diamond shaped. If the stroke symbol is outside the raster symbol a positioning error of 0.5 degrees has been exceeded and EVS may not be used for approach and landing.
Prior to final approach a raster symbology alignment consolidation check is required.
Since the consolidation symbol is only used to provide a correlation between conformal stroke and raster symbology it cannot be used to validate the acuracy of the image alignment.

Sensor Calibration
Over time the individual IR detectors of the focal plane array require recalibration to each other. If the pilot determines that the image is being degraded this function is selected by pressing the CAL button on the EVS control panel for less than 10 seconds. This activates a short calibration which removes the IR image for approximately 6 seconds and recalibrates the ISU. This function is normally used to correct a “burn in”image.
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