
庞巴迪CRJ200公务机机组操作手册 Bombardier CRJ-环境控制系统(15)

时间:2011-11-22 09:08来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者
600  -
600  0 
600  0  5,000 
350  575  10,000 
740  1,240  15,000 
1,260  1,630  17,500 
1,770  2,020  20,000 
4,270  4,330  30,000 
5,990  5,990  35,000 
6,880  6,880  37,500 
7,990  7,990  41,000 

A. Automatic Pressurization Modes
W  Ground mode,
Bothoutflow valves are driven fullopen.

W  Pre-Pressure mode, Whenthrustlevers are advancedtotake-off, the cabin is pressurizedto -
150feetat approximately300ft/min.
Flight Crew Operating Manual  MASTER 

 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SYSTEM Pressurization System  Vol. 1  08-

REV 56, Jan 31/03 

W  Take-Offabort mode, Whenthethrustlevers are retardedtoidle, the cabin ascendsatapproximately500 ft/min for20 seconds, thentheoutflow valves are driven fullopen.
W  Climbmode, Cabin climbis in accordance with afixed schedule, cabin altitude vs aircraftaltitude atarate ofapproximately500ft/min. The controller compares selectedlanding elevation to the climb schedule,then selects thehighestpressure schedule.
W  Flightabort mode, Whenthe aircrafthas maintained6,000feetaltitude orloweraltitudefor10 minutes, andthen hasinitiated adescent of1,000ft/min, the system willthen assume the elevation forthedepartingairport, regardless ofthepre-selectedlandingelevation.
W  The cabin descent schedule occurs whenthe aircraft altitudeis maintainedat 0±200feetfor10 minutes. Thesystem pre-
sets adecentrateofapproximately 300 ft/min.
W  The cabin fulldescent schedule occurs whenthe aircraftis in descent. Cabin altitudedecreases atapproximately300ft/min, to eitherlandingelevation, or maximum differential, whicheveris highest. Whenthelandingelevation exceeds 8,000feet, cabin altitude willbe maintained at maximum differential, untilthe aircraft descends, thenthe cabin altitudewill rate upto the pre-selected landingelevation.
W  Landing mode, The cabin altitudeis driven below field elevation ortheaircraftis unpressurized. Whenthe cabin is below field elevation,thenthe cabin is ratedupatapproximately 500ft/min for60 seconds, thentheoutflow valve is driven fullopen.
W  TouchandGo mode, Onaircrafttouchdown,the systemwill assume landing mode; asthethrustlevers are advanced, the systemwillschedule pre-pressure mode.
B. Manual Pressurization Modes
W  UPselection, Cabin ascendsat selected rateof50fpmto 3,000 ±1000fpm. Whenthedesired cabin altitudeis reached, selectMANALTto midposition.
W  DNselection, Cabin descendsat selected rateof50fpmto 3,000 ±1000fpm. Whenthedesired cabin altitudeis reached, selectMANALTto midposition.
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