

时间:2011-12-13 09:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机

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曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者
..Employee time savings – An employee’s time has intrinsic value. In the past, this value was thought to increase with expertise and decision-making responsibility. Now the value of time savings can no longer be automatically associated with levels in an organizational hier-archy. It is the preservation of any scarce knowledge resource that makes the most compel-ling case for business aircraft operation. In the final tally of costs and benefits, it is difficult to cost-justify business aircraft operation without placing value on the time saved door-to-door. Closely linked with this, increased productivity includes being able to complete essential business tasks more quickly, thereby reducing unit costs of sales and improving time to mar-ket. Considering the value of knowledge integration and the rapid deployment of specialist teams in improving an organization’s efficiency, improved productivity emerges as a key benefit derived from operating business aircraft.
..Improved productivity – Traveling in a business aircraft can significantly im-prove productivity before, during and after the trip through travel schedules optimized for efficiency, cabin configurations conducive to individual and team work, often with access to full office facilities including communica-tions. Optimal schedules using shorter non-stop trips which return earlier also improve day-after productivity by reducing fatigue.
..Strategic transaction efficiencies – Rapid deployment of transaction teams or improved responsiveness to opportunities for acquisitions or alliances are of increasing value today. On the revenue and market end of the business, being better able to respond to strategic opportunities, or being able to re-spond faster when a competitor courts a company’s customers, may be of considerable benefit in a highly competitive environment.
..Protection of intellectual property – While it is nearly impossible to quan-tify the impact of the loss of intellectual property to a company, businesses rate this loss as one of the costliest potential scenarios. The risks include competitor intelligence gathering in public places, lost laptops and stolen property. Conduct-ing discussions and reviewing documents in the total privacy afforded by a business aircraft is a benefit that should be fully considered.
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