
庞巴迪挑战者605公务机机组操作手册 CL605-飞行仪表 FLIGHT_INSTRUMENTS(11)

时间:2011-10-28 11:48来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机
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 FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS Description  Vol. 2  11.10.21 
Oct 05/06 

Overspeed/Low-Speed Cues
Figure 11.10.19

Angle-of-Attack (AOA)
The AOA display is a vertical tape located immediately to the left of the airspeed tape. Like the low-speed cue, this display is generated by angle-of-attack information from the auxiliary angle-of-attack vane. The AOA display function is advisory only, and indicated airspeed must always be used as the primary reference.
A reading of 0.0 AOA corresponds to zero lift. The pusher activation is equal to a reading of
1.0 AOA.
The AOA scale is marked with a red band from 0.8734 to 1.0. Shaker activation is 1.07 VS or 0.8734 AOA.

 FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS Description  Vol. 2  11.10.22 
Oct 05/06 

1.3 VS corresponds to 0.5917 AOA. This is approximately equal to the AOA for VREF in nonaccelerated flight.

AOA Indicator
Figure 11.10.20

Barometric altitude information displayed on the PFD consists of:
Altitude display and readout;

Barometric pressure setting;

Preselect altitude;

Altitude alert; and

Barometric altitude minimums (BARO MIN).

The ADC calculates the pressure altitude and barometric-corrected altitude. The preselected altitude is set via the FCP. Barometric pressure readout and BARO MIN are set through controls on the DCP or CCP.

Altitude Display and Readout
The altitude display is shown on the right side of the PFD as a moving tape with a fixed digital readout window. The barometric altitude readout ranges from .1000 to 55,000 feet, or .300 to 16,765 meters. The digital readout in the fixed altitude window indicates the actual altitude.
The fine portion of the tape is marked and numbered every 100 feet. The coarse portion of the tape is used to assist the pilot in altitude captures and gross altitude awareness. It is not numbered, and is marked with rectangles for increments of 500 feet.
For aircraft with the optional metric altitude readout, a gray boxed metric altitude above the altitude window is displayed. A gray “M” is also displayed next to the metric altitude readout.

 FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS Description  Vol. 2  11.10.23 
Oct 05/06 

Barometric Pressure Setting
The barometric pressure setting is used to correct altitude for local barometric pressure effects. The barometric pressure setting can be accomplished in one of two ways. It can be directly set via the BARO knob on the glareshield, or via the PFD menu/BARO SET submenu controls.
The BARO knob is rotated to increase or decrease barometric pressure setting. The barometric setting is displayed below the altitude tape. The standard barometric pressure setting of
29.92 inches of mercury, or 1013 hPa, is selected when the center of the BARO knob is pressed. Settings via the BARO knob are reflected in the BARO SET menu.
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公务机翻译 www.aviation.cn
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