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The PFD radio altitude display is presented as a digital readout. The readout is displayed from 0 to 2,500 feet above ground. The numeric display appears at the bottom of the attitude indicator as the airplane descends through 2,500 feet above ground level (AGL), and disappears as the airplane climbs through 2,500 feet AGL.
Radio Altitude Analog
An analog radio altitude display is shown at the bottom of the barometric altitude tape area, to improve ground awareness. The analog radio altitude ground awareness cue is displayed as crosshatch yellow tape, with a range of 0 to 270 ft. When radio altitude is approximately 270 ft, the ground awareness cue comes into view at the bottom of the barometric altitude tape, and moves up to meet 0 ft radio altitude.
In order to conform to JAA CAT II certification requirements, service bulletin 605–34–005 indicates that the installation of a second RA is required.
FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS Description Vol. 2 11.10.27
Oct 05/06
Radio Altitude (RA) Displays
Figure 11.10.25
FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS Description Vol. 2 11.10.28
Oct 05/06
The radio altitude minimum (RA MIN) is a function of radio altimeter altitude, and all references are above ground level (AGL). RA MIN has a range of 5 to 999 feet, and is set under the MINIMUMS section of the REFS menu. The selected minimums are displayed in cyan below the altitude tape as MIN XXX RA. The XXX represents the selected digital value. The RA alert is set under the MIN ALERT section of the REFS menu.
RA MIN Analog Reference
The RA MIN reference, located on the left side of the barometric altitude tape, is a cyan pole with a flag at the top, which extends up from the analog radio altitude display. The analog reference rises towards the "0 ft" RA.
When the aircraft descends to decision height (RA MIN ALERT), the analog reference changes from cyan to yellow and flashes for 5 seconds. The analog RA MIN reference continues to rise until radio altitude is zero. A flashing yellow MIN indication is also displayed on the right edge of the ADI for 5 seconds, as selected minimums are reached.
RA MIN Display
Figure 11.10.26
Vertical Speed
The vertical speed (VS) display consists of a vertical analog scale and pointer with a green drag line. A part-time digital readout of the vertical speed is also provided when VS is 300 feet/minute or greater.
The VS pointer moves up and down the scale to indicate current VS. As the pointer moves, the drag line appears to emphasize the VS. The vertical speed scale has a range of ±4000 fpm. The digital readout of the vertical speed is displayed on either the top or bottom of the vertical speed scale, respective of climb or descent, and has a range of ±15,000 fpm.
FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS Description Vol. 2 11.10.29
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