
庞巴迪挑战者605公务机机组操作手册 CL605-飞行仪表 FLIGHT_INSTRUMENTS(21)

时间:2011-10-28 11:48来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机
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Navigation Indications on ADI and FLT PATH VCTR Menu Selection
Figure 11.10.41


 FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS Description  Vol. 2  11.10.47 
Oct 05/06 

Navigation Source Warning Flags
A red boxed navigation source flag (VOR, LOC or FMS) is displayed during a failure of the selected NAV source. The navigation display is removed from view when the flag is displayed.
A red boxed GS will be displayed at the lower end of the vertical deviation scale for a GS failure. For an FMS VNAV failure, a red boxed VNV will be displayed above the vertical deviation scale.
In case of a LOC failure, a red boxed LOC will be displayed on the left side of the lateral deviation scale of the ADI.

Navigation Source Warning Flags
Figure 11.10.42


 FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS Description  Vol. 2  11.10.48 
Oct 05/06 

EFIS COMPARATOR MONITOR Description Comparators alert the pilots of any disagreement of data between specific systems. Each PFD performs its own software monitoring, and continuously compares its information with the data presented on the other PFD.
When an EFIS comparison disagreement between the PFDs is detected, a flashing yellow data message is presented on the PFD. If, after 5 seconds, the comparison disagreement is still valid, the flashing message is replaced by a steady message, and the EFIS MISCOMP caution message is displayed on the EICAS page.
The messages are displayed as long as the comparison error exists. If the comparison monitor fails, the EFIS COMP INOP caution message is displayed on the EICAS page.
PFD Comparison Monitor Annunciations

Heading (HDG)
The HDG annunciation is displayed when a difference of more than 6 degrees is detected between each IRS system.

Pitch Attitude (PIT)
The PIT annunciation is displayed when a difference of more than 4 degrees before glideslope capture and 3 degrees after glideslope capture is detected.

Roll Attitude (ROL)
The ROL annunciation is displayed when a difference of more than 4 degrees before glideslope capture and 3 degrees after glideslope capture is detected.
Attitude (ATT)
The ATT annunciation is displayed for a dual axis miscompare (PIT and ROL).
Indicated Airspeed (IAS)
The IAS annunciation is displayed when a difference of more than 10 knots is detected.
Mach Airspeed (MACH)
The MACH annunciation is displayed when a difference of more than 0.03 Mach is detected.

Altitude (ALT)
The ALT annunciation is displayed when a difference of more than 60 feet at sea level is detected. The allowable difference between PFDs increases with increasing altitude.

Localizer (LOC)
The LOC annunciation is displayed when a difference is detected between the two localizer receivers.

 FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS Description  Vol. 2  11.10.49 
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本文链接地址:庞巴迪挑战者605公务机机组操作手册 CL605-飞行仪表 FLIGHT_INSTRUMENTS(21)
