
庞巴迪挑战者605公务机机组操作手册 CL605-飞行仪表 FLIGHT_INSTRUMENTS(9)

时间:2011-10-28 11:48来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机
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The Mach based tape is only available when current Mach is greater than 0.40M. The Mach based tape is automatically selected for display when climbing through approximately 33,600 ft. The crew can select a Mach tape (provided M >0.40) which replaces the IAS airspeed tape.

Airspeed Trend Vector
The airspeed trend vector originates from the tail of the indicated airspeed arrow. The magenta trend vector moves vertically in response to aircraft acceleration (extends up) or deceleration (extends down).
If acceleration remains unchanged, the trend vector continuously predicts the aircraft’s speed in 10 seconds.

Speed Bug
The speed bug is sometimes referred to as the speed bucket because of its unique design. The bug is 10 knots wide. Measuring from the center, there is a ±5 knot speed deviation to the outer edges of the indicator.
The SPEED knob, on the flight control panel (FCP), is used to set the airspeed reference bug to the desired speed on the airspeed tape. When the center of the SPEED knob is pressed, the speed reference toggles between Mach and IAS. When the FLC pushbutton on the FCP is pressed, the speed bug automatically aligns itself with the aircraft’s current airspeed. The speed bug can also be commanded by the FMS in VNAV sub modes.
The speed bug icon and digital readout are cyan when set with the FCP speed knob, and magenta when set by the FMS.

PFD Airspeed Information
Figure 11.10.17


 FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS Description  Vol. 2  11.10.18 
Oct 05/06 

AIR DATA SYSTEM INDICATIONS (CONT'D) Reference Speeds V-speed reference values V1, VR, V2, VT, VAC, and VREF can be presented on the airspeed tape during takeoff and approach phases of flight. The speeds can be manually set and displayed (cyan characters) using the PFD REFS menu. They can also be automatically computed and displayed (magenta characters) by the FMS.
V-Speeds Setting
Control of the V-speeds within the menu is achieved using the focus indicator and the standard menu controls on the DCP (MENU ADV/DATA knob and PUSH SELECT knob).
Each of the reference speed values can be selected either on or off. When selected to on, the associated reference value is displayed on the airspeed tape. Toggling the reference value between on and off is achieved by first highlighting the desired control using the focus indicator, and then pressing the PUSH SELECT button. Each press of this button toggles the reference value back and forth between on and off. As V-speeds are toggled on, the focus indicator moves forward to the next selectable V-speed.
The following selectable V-speed REFS are identified as:
The reference marker is a cyan line followed by a 1. The V1 marker is the takeoff decision speed reference. The V1 marker is automatically removed at lift-off.
The reference marker is a cyan line followed by an R. The VR marker is the rotation speed reference. The marker is automatically removed after the V2 speed is exceeded.
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公务机翻译 www.aviation.cn
本文链接地址:庞巴迪挑战者605公务机机组操作手册 CL605-飞行仪表 FLIGHT_INSTRUMENTS(9)
