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During unusual attitudes, all inputs to the DCP are inhibited including the menu/list selection, which ensures that references are not inadvertently changed. The following information is also inhibited: Range, radar tilt, barometric correction, preselect altitude, speed bug, heading bug, and the course pointer.
FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS Description Vol. 2 11.10.34
Oct 05/06
PFD Declutter
Figure 11.10.32
FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS Description Vol. 2 11.10.35
Oct 05/06
The aircraft heading is displayed on a full compass rose (ROSE format) or on a present position FMS map (PPOS format), located at the bottom of the PFD/MFD. Heading data is supplied by the IRS system, and may be displayed in “magnetic” or “true”.
Heading Information
Heading information displayed on the PFD/MFD includes:
Compass card;
Lubber line;
Selected heading bug and vector;
Selected heading display; and
Aircraft symbol.
Heading Indicators
The heading indications are represented on the full compass card. The compass card has 10 degree major indices, 5 degree minor indices, cardinal point characters at N, S, E, W, and numeric labels at 30 degree intervals.
At the top center position of the compass card is the fixed lubber line, which indicates the current aircraft heading. To assist in heading visualization, two fixed index marks are presented at 45 degrees on either side of the lubber line (ROSE format only).
An aircraft symbol is centered on the compass card, and is aligned with the lubber line.
When heading is referenced to true north, a cyan TRUE indication is displayed to the right of the heading readout.
Selected Heading Reference
The selected heading reference is presented on the heading display as a permanently displayed heading bug, and temporarily as a bug vector line and digital readout.
The heading bug indicates the heading selected by the HDG knob on the FCP. When a new heading is selected, the heading vector line and digital heading readout are displayed for 5 seconds, and then removed from view.
FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS Description Vol. 2 11.10.36
Oct 05/06
Heading Information
Figure 11.10.33
Attitude and Heading Flags
When attitude or heading data is invalid, red ATT or HDG flags are presented to replace the affected system’s information.
FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS Description Vol. 2 11.10.37
Oct 05/06
Attitude and Heading Failure Flags
Figure 11.10.34
IRS Reversionary Function (Dual IRS Configuration)
When NORM is selected, the pilot and copilot electronic flight displays receive data from their individual, onside IRS.
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