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FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS Description Vol. 2 11.10.7
Oct 05/06
This is a double stack knob that consists of the following:
MENU ADV (outer knob) – Provides control to move the focus indicator* within the menu.
DATA (inner knob) – Provides control to change the selection in the focus indicator*.
PUSH SELECT (center knob) – Makes DATA knob entries active, or changes the status of the item in the selection box.
* The focus indicator is the symbol (cyan box) indicating which control is currently highlighted. The highlighted control can then be modified.
REFS (Reference) Pushbutton
The REFS pushbutton selects the REFS menu on the PFD. The REFS menu allows the pilot to set and/or activate V-speed references and approach minimums. The items on the REFS menu are changed using the selection box method. The menu list automatically times out after 20 seconds of inactivity.
BRG SRC (Bearing Source) Pushbutton
This pushbutton activates the bearing source menu, and the MENU ADV/DATA/PUSH SELECT knob is used to scroll and activate the appropriate selection.
PFD Menus Figure 11.10.5
The FRMT button selects the next available PFD display format. With the displays not reverted, the format selections are ROSE and present position map (PPOS).
When displays are reverted with a compressed display format, the selections will be ROSE, PPOS and a system SUMMARY display.
FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS Description Vol. 2 11.10.8
Oct 05/06
PFD Direct Access FORMAT Menu Figure 11.10.6
TFC (Traffic) Pushbutton
Pressing this pushbutton, when no TCAS Traffic Alert is active, selects or deselects a TCAS overlay on the PFD navigation format presented.
TR/WX (Terrain/Weather/Lightning) Pushbutton
TR/WX is a multiple press pushbutton, used to select or deselect the display of Terrain, Weather or Lightning on the PFD. The first press of the TR/WX pushbutton selects the next overlay available on the PFD. A subsequent press selects the next overlay available within the menu.
RDR MENU (Radar Menu) Pushbutton
The RDR MENU pushbutton selects or deselects the RADAR menu on the PFD. The RADAR menu provides control, mode and function selections of the weather radar system. The items on the RADAR menu change using the selection box method. The menu automatically times out after 20 secs of inactivity.
PFD Weather Radar Menus Figure 11.10.7
RADAR (Radar Control) Pushbutton
This pushbutton turns the RADAR from STANDBY to ON, and from TEST or ON to STANDBY.
FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS Description Vol. 2 11.10.9
Oct 05/06
The RANGE knob decreases or increases the PFD and MFD NAV display range. The TILT knob selects the radar antenna tilt angle, .15 to +15 degrees. The PUSH AUTO TILT button, located in the center of the RANGE/TILT knob, selects or deselects automatic tilt control.
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