
庞巴迪挑战者605公务机机组操作手册 CL605-飞行仪表 FLIGHT_INSTRUMENTS(25)

时间:2011-10-28 11:48来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机
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The lower segment provides a digital presentation of chronograph time (in minutes and seconds, from 00:00 to 99:59).

The clock will receive and process an external GPS time source when in GPS mode, provided the signal is valid. If the GPS signal is not valid, or the clock is placed in MANUAL mode, it will use its own internal time base.
While in GPS mode, the clock uses the external GPS time to synchronize its internal time base.
Flight Time (FLT/RST)
Flight time (FLT) represents the time that the aircraft is airborne, as determined by the status of the in.air/on.ground discrete input. The FLT starts counting from zero (00:00) when the on.ground/in.air input transitions from ground to airborne. The FLT stops counting when the on.ground/in.air input transitions from airborne to ground.

 FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS Description  Vol. 2  11.10.58 
Oct 05/06 

The FLT resets to 00:00 by pressing the FLT RST pushbutton for a period of 2 or more seconds.

Chronograph (CHR)
The chronograph (CHR) begins counting upon depression of the CHR pushbutton. The first press starts the CHR from zero (00:00). The second press stops the CHR timer. A third press deletes the display and resets the CHR timer.

The clock uses external GPS time when the user has selected GPS mode. GPS mode is indicated by an illuminated GPS indication on the LCD display.
The clock uses its internal time base when the user has selected manual mode. Manual mode is indicated by the absence of the GPS indication on the LCD display.

The MODE pushbutton provides two functions:
UTC/LOC/Date display mode switching; pressing the mode pushbutton will toggle between the UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), LOC (local time) and date displays.

UTC/LOC/Date set modes; pressing and holding the mode pushbutton for more than two seconds, the clock will enter the UTC, LOC and date set mode.


Clock/Chronometer (GPS-Synchronized)
Figure 11.10.52


 FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS Description  Vol. 2  11.10.59 
Oct 05/06 

A comparator miscompare has been detected.

Comparator information for one or both PFDs is not available.
The PFDs have lost the ability to cross-talk information.
IRS 3 is in align mode or ATT mode with no IRS 3 INOP status message.
Indicates the respective IRS DC power supply failed.
Indicates the respective IRS is operating in attitude mode.
Indicates a failure of IRS 3.
The MFDs have lost the ability to cross-talk information. Cross-radio tuning from

the MFD may be inoperative.
CL.605 Flight Crew Operating Manual
PSP 605.6

 FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS Description  Vol. 2  11.10.60 
Oct 05/06 
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本文链接地址:庞巴迪挑战者605公务机机组操作手册 CL605-飞行仪表 FLIGHT_INSTRUMENTS(25)
