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Chart Control
The chart control displays charts from the optional chart system. In general, pressing a switch for an optional function that is not enabled will display a SELECTION INACTIVE message on the MFD.
CHART Pushbutton
The CHART pushbutton selects and deselects the chart display on the MFD.
FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS Description Vol. 2 11.10.12
Oct 05/06
MFD with a Chart (Full Window) Figure 11.10.12
Orientate (Graphic Key Legend) Pushbutton
With a chart displayed, pressing the orientate button rotates the chart 90 degrees. A second press returns the chart to its previous position.
ZOOM +/.
With a chart displayed, pressing ZOOM + increases the size of the chart, and pressing ZOOM . returns the chart to its normal size.
JSTK Pushbutton
The joystick pushbutton selects joystick control between the upper and lower windows of the MFD.
FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS Description Vol. 2 11.10.13
Oct 05/06
Flight director (FD) modes, autopilot engagement, selected heading, preselect altitude and course pointers are set through controls on the flight control panel (FCP).
Flight Control Panel (FCP)
Figure 11.10.13
BARO Knob (Glareshield)
The BARO knob is rotated to change the barometric pressure setting displayed on the PFD. Pressing the center of the BARO knob changes the altimeter setting to the standard barometric pressure of 29.92 inches of mercury, or 1013 hPa.
Figure 11.10.14
Reversionary Panel
The reversionary panel, located on the center pedestal, controls the reversionary functions of the following system:
TUNE INHIBIT (see Chapter 6, Communications, and Chapter 17, Navigation Systems);
L (R) DISPLAYS reversion (discussed in this chapter);
EICAS reversion (see Chapter 3, Aural/Visual Warnings);
Air data reversion (discussed in this chapter);
IRS reversion (discussed in this chapter); and
AFCS SEL reversion (see Chapter 4, Automatic Flight Control Systems).
FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS Description Vol. 2 11.10.14
Oct 05/06
Reversionary Panel
Figure 11.10.15
The pitot static system supplies variable air pressure inputs to the air data computers (ADC 1 and ADC 2), stall protection system (SPS), cabin pressure controller (CPC), cabin pressure acquisition modules (CPAM 1 and 2), and the integrated standby instrument (ISI).
The use and distribution of the pitot and static sources are as follows:
P1 is the normal pitot input to ADC 1.
S1 is the normal static input to ADC 1.
P2 is the normal pitot input to ADC 2.
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